




1.爱你更多 2.Kiss me my baby 嫁给我 1.Love you More 爱你更多 1.Leavin' 远走高飞 ...

2.更爱你 ... I love you more and more and more everyday 我每天都更爱你 Love you more 更爱你 I love you more 更爱你 ...

3.爱你多一些 I love you more and more and more everyday 每一天我都爱你多一些 Love you more 爱你多一些 I love you more 爱你多一 …

4.爱你多点 《公爵夫人》 Duchess 《爱你多点Love You More 《拉尔夫》 Ralph ...

5.更爱你一点 ... 最佳英国短片 BEST BRITISH SHORT 《更爱你一点Love You More 最佳外语片 BEST FO…

6.爱你多一点 成为自己的传奇 To Be Legend 爱你多一点 Love You More 父辈的光芒 Father’s Glory ...

7.每天爱你多一些 不老的传说 Legend Of Rejuvenation 每天爱你多一些 Love You More 月亮代表我的心 Moon Represent My …


1.I think you are very happy, because you can choose to love me or do not love me, and I can only choose to love you or love you more.我认为你很幸福,因为你可以选择爱我或不爱我,而我只能选择爱你或更爱你。

2.Do you know how much I love you? I love you more than the heaven, more than the starts. Your beauty is greater than one thousand red roses.妳知道我有多爱妳吗?我爱妳胜过天、胜过星星。妳的美丽胜过千朵的红玫瑰。

3.Her eyes pt up as she recognized the cue for the start of another "l love you more" match.当她意识到另一场关于“我爱你”的口舌之争拉开序幕时,她的眼睛闪闪发亮。

4.I do not trust you to the others, although I am not the best, but I know no one more than I love you more real.我不放心把你交给别人,虽然我不是最优秀的,但是我知道没人比我爱你更深更真。

5.The only thing I want you know is how much I love you, and the only thing I want to know is how to love you more.我唯一想让你知道的事是我有多爱你,而我唯一想知道的事是怎样才能更加爱你。

6.Wait on me, girl, cry in the night if it helps. But more than ever, I simply love you more than I love pfe itself.请为我等候,我的女孩,如果有用的话请你在夜晚哭泣吧。但是比此更重要的是,我爱你胜过爱生命。

7.There is no doubt we love you more than anyone else. So please don't be sympathetic for those leeches . Never try to compromise with them.你是我们最爱的人,所以千万不要同情这些吸血水蛭,也不要与他们合解。

8.Even if I think I love you more . . . Fortunately, you just a passing in my pfe?即使我觉得我爱你更多…庆幸你只是我生命中的一个过客?

9.I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer for you t han I've waited for any woman.我从没有像爱你一样爱过任何一个女人。我也从没有像等你那样等过任何一个女人。

10.Oh, Oh, yea, yea, I miss you every single day. Why must my pfe be filled with sorrow? Oh, Oh, love you more than I can say.哦,我每天都想著妳,为什麽我的生活必须充满著忧愁?哦,我爱妳在心口难开。