




1.在床上吃早餐 3-4-Sparking wine,champagne 汽酒-香槟 5-9-Breakfast in bed 在床上吃早餐 5-10-All day breakfast 全天候早餐 ...

2.床上早餐 pamper 纵容;娇宠 breakfast in bed 床上早餐 celebration 庆祝 ...

3.枕边早餐 “Repentance Of St. Peter" 圣彼得的悔改 “Breakfast In Bed" 枕边早餐 “St. Catherine Reading A Book" 圣凯瑟琳的阅读 ...

4.温馨的早餐 ... Life Is Like a Cup of Coffee 生命如同一杯咖啡 Breakfast in Bed 温馨的早餐 The hardest work 最艰难的事 ...

5.早餐在床上吃早餐在床上吃(Breakfast In Bed)是小蛙最喜欢的事了。嗒嗒这可还是头一回。


1.Famipes may try to still mom's busy hands by serving her a homemade breakfast in bed or taking her to a nice restaurant for brunch.家庭成员们会停下母亲忙碌的双手,为她准备一份自制的早餐在床上享用,或是带她去一家高档餐馆吃早午餐。

2.The other classic romantic meal is breakfast in bed, which sounds wonderful, but actually tends to be messy and impractical.另外一种经典是在床上吃早餐,听起来很不错,不过常常会搞得一塌糊涂不切实际。

3.The first morning after the honeymoon, the husband got up early, went down to the kitchen, and brought his wife her breakfast in bed.度完蜜月后的隔天早上,丈夫起个大早,走到厨房,去拿早餐让太太在床上吃。

4.Breakfast in Bed - we always do this for mom, but this time, make dad's favorite breakfast and serve him in bed.在床上用早餐——我们总是为妈妈做这件事情,但是这一次,请准备好爸爸最喜欢的食物,让他在床上用餐。

5.Mother loved her movies, and although she rarely had breakfast in bed, she held high hopes for her daughter.妈妈喜欢她的电影,虽然她很少在床上用早餐,于是对她的宝贝女儿寄予很大的希望。

6.So, this is not the time for dinner and a movie: This is breakfast-in-bed, dinner-cruise or trip-out-of-town territory.所以,这天可不要用来吃顿晚饭或是看场电影。你应当为还在床上的她端来早餐,安排一次游艇晚餐或是郊游。

7.The next day was Sunday and the husband brought her breakfast in bed and let her sleep until it grew dark again.第二天是周日,丈夫把早餐送到床边,让她睡到天又黑下来。

8.As she lay there looking forward to breakfast in bed, the smell of bacon floated up from the kitchen.当母亲躺在床上等早餐的时候,她闻到了厨房飘了的肉的香味。

9.It is a time of breakfast in bed, family gatherings, and crayon scribbled "I Love You" s.在这个日子里,床前有备好的早餐,举行个家庭聚会,还有用蜡笔写成的“我爱你”字样。

10.Taking mother out for lunch or dinner, or serving her breakfast in bed has become a traditional treat on Mother's Day.带母亲出去吃顿午餐或晚餐,或把早饭端到母亲床头,已成为母亲节款待母亲的传统。