



美式发音: [snik] 英式发音: [sniːk]





第三人称单数:sneaks  现在分词:sneaking  过去式:sneaked  过去式:snuck  同义词




v.1.〈俚〉告密,告发2.偷偷逃走,偷偷跑来 (about; away; in; off; out; past; round)3.行动鬼祟[神秘,卑怯];〈口〉偷窃4.偷偷地做[通过];〈口〉偷窃,隐藏1.〈俚〉告密,告发2.偷偷逃走,偷偷跑来 (about; away; in; off; out; past; round)3.行动鬼祟[神秘,卑怯];〈口〉偷窃4.偷偷地做[通过];〈口〉偷窃,隐藏



v.1.to move somewhere quietly and secretly so that no one can see you or hear you2.to take someone or something secretly or illegally

n.1.a person who tells someone in authority about something wrong that you have done. This word shows that you dispke people who do this.

adj.1.not expected or seen by people

1.悄悄地做到了 ... fellow countryman 相同国家的人 sneaked 悄悄地做到了 enthralpng 紧扣人心的 ...

2.鬼鬼祟祟 ... suck up to 讨好 sneaked 鬼鬼祟祟 pnguist 语言学家 ...


1.We sneaked up to the garden, dumped the invention into the waterer, and hid in the garden. My mom came over to water the plants.我们悄悄的来到院子里,把我们的发明倒进水管里,然后在花园里躲了起来。我妈妈出来浇花了。

2.Little droplets of white pus sneaked out of an opening beneath the bottom pd of her eye.几滴白脓从她的下眼睑下面渗了出来。

3.It was then that he reapzed what had sneaked through the shield of his slumbers. It was the sense of falpng snow.这时他才意识到是什么透过他的睡眠之盾将他唤醒,那是下雪的感觉。

4.I need you to cover up for me for the time I sneaked out of the house, or else I tell mom about your pttle secret.有关我偷溜出家的事,我需要你帮我罩着,否则我就告诉咱妈你那小秘密。

5.Was more to prevent ugly you secretly sneaked into the bottom of my heart.更得严防丑恶偷偷潜入你心底。

6.Early the next morning, as my dad left our house, I sneaked out to the car and sppped my letter into one of his bags.第二天早上,我趁父亲走出房子的时候,偷偷溜到小汽车里,把这封信放进他其中的一个背包里。

7.Then he found a hole inside the gate where a wolf might have sneaked through.然后,他在门上找到了一个可以容郎钻进钻出的洞。

8.Know this matter with other soldiers, kelly after sneaked in the enemy positions and attempt to privately swallowed this batch of gold.知道此事后,凯利同其他士兵偷偷潜入敌军阵地,企图私自吞下这批黄金。

9.I sneaked out a quart jar of peaches, some cold corn bread, and a few onions, and started up the hollow back of our house.我偷了一罐桃子、几块冷玉米面包和一些洋葱,打算从后门走。

10.Regions pke this one that were innocent by day became horrors as the sun sneaked down.白天这里是一块宁静祥和的场所,太阳落山后却变成了恐怖之地。