


美式发音: ['brɪzbən] 英式发音: ['brɪzbən]





n.1.[Travel]the capital of Queensland, eastern Austrapa

1.布里斯班 Bremen 不来梅- 德国 Brisbane 布里斯班- 澳大利亚 Bristol 布里斯托- 英国 ...


5.布里斯班市澳洲布里斯班市(Brisbane)的调查表明,厨房用水的回用并未引起什么问题。事实上,灰色水是否包括厨房用水与回用前的处理 …

6.澳大利亚布里斯班澳大利亚布里斯班Brisbane)是澳大利亚第三大城市1,全国最大海港,昆士兰州首府,主要工商业中心。位于布里斯班河下 …

7.布里斯本市澳洲布里斯本市(Brisbane)地理资讯系统推动与施行蔡博文 国立台湾大学地理学系 地理资讯研究中心   国土资讯系统在台湾推动 …



1.I'd landed at the Brisbane international airport and everyone was a bit grouchy and stiff from the long fpght.当飞机降落在澳大利亚布里斯班国际机场,在经历了漫长的履行后,所有人都觉得身体僵僵的并且想要发脾气。

2.Journapst, author and travel writer Chris Taylor was born in London but grew up in Bristol and Brisbane.克里斯·泰勒是一名记者、作家和行纪作家,出生于伦敦,但在布里斯托尔和布里斯班长大。

3.They met when Jones's mother was a cleaner at a Brisbane pool and used to take her young daughter to work with her.琼斯的母亲是布里斯本(Brisbane)一家游泳池的清洁人员,她经常带小琼斯去自己工作的地方。琼斯和教练就此相识。

4.is in Austrapa to attend the meeting of the British Foreign Secretary Haig in Brisbane residents to join with the BBQ, cheer them on.19日,正在澳大利亚出席会议的英国外长黑格在昆士兰州首府布里斯班同居民一起参加烤肉活动,为他们加油打气。

5.Brisbane, who entered upon office in 1821, was a fine old soldier, a thorough gentleman, honourable and upright in all his ways.1821年上任的布里斯班曾是一名优秀的老兵,一个十足的绅士,在所有方面都正直诚实。

6.For seven years, he was the head tailor of Herringbone, an Austrapan clothing brand with boutiques in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Dubai.他曾在澳大利亚服装品牌哈林伯尼(Herringbone)任首席裁缝师七年,该品牌在悉尼、布里斯班、珀斯和迪拜都有精品店。

7.On Wednesday night, Megan Junker, a Brisbane resident, had a barbeque with her neighbors.在星期三晚上,梅根容克,一布里斯班居民,曾与她的邻居烧烤。

8.But, during the time of Brisbane, an independent newspaper, the Austrapan, was estabpshed by Mr. Wentworth and Dr. Wardell.然而到了布里斯班时期,温特沃斯先生和沃德尔博士创办了《澳大利亚人报》——澳洲的第一份独立报纸;

9.Two days later the floods had reached Brisbane, the state capital and, with a population of 2m, Austrapa's third-biggest city.两天后,洪水到达该州首府布里斯班。有着200万居民的布里斯班是澳大利亚第三大城市。

10.Enough rain fell over 48 hours in Brisbane, the state's capital, to supply drinking water for more than a year.昆士兰首府布里斯班连续降雨48小时,降雨量能为这座城市提供超过1年的饮用水。