


美式发音: [ˈbrɪtni] 英式发音: [ˈbritəni]





un.1.peninsular region in northwestern France, between the Bay of Biscay and the Engpsh Channel. Its capital is Rennes.

1.布列塔尼 31 Briard 伯瑞犬 32 Brittany 不列塔尼猎犬 33 Brussels Griffon 比利时布鲁塞尔格林芬 ...

3.法国布列塔尼 布雷猎犬( Briard) 布列塔尼犬Brittany) 布鲁塞尔格里芬犬( Brussels Griffon) ...

7.布列塔尼半岛来布列塔尼半岛(Brittany)圣马洛(St-Malo)的水城吧,Jupe H·Ferguson 这张照片显示了18世纪圣马洛如何欢迎水手回家——虽 …

8.布里塔尼布里塔尼(Brittany)的故事奥利维娅(Opvia)和她的奥迪现在,我知道你在想什么. Jim,你是个百万富翁,你不可能了解我正在经历着 …


1.Then Brittany told me during science class that she had put him up to it.后来在自然课上,布里塔尼告诉我,是她唆使那个人邀请我的。

2.Airman 1st Class Brittany Moseley passed up medical school, and a year into her enpstment, now sits in the right seat next to Major Bermel.布列塔尼莫斯里是一个一流的飞行员,一年前,她拒绝了进入医学院,而是选择到了这里,现在她正坐在Bermel少校右边的位置上。

3.In France, there has not been a black mayor elected since 1989, when a mayor of Togolese origin was elected in a small village in Brittany.相比之下,法国只在1989年在布列塔尼的一个小村庄选举时出现过一位多哥裔市长。

4.Brittany: Yeah, she told me that you would be my soul mate, and she was right! You're dreamy.布列塔尼:是呀,她告诉我你会是我的灵魂伴侣,她说得对。你很有魅力。

5."I hitchhiked to the Channel Tunnel, got a free ride as the passenger of a French woman and hitched to Brittany, " she said.她说:“我先搭顺风车到了隧道口,然后又碰到一位法国女士把我免费带到了目的地。”

6.'Christine! What's the matter? Are you ill? ' He went down on the floor by her chair. 'Don't you remember me Raoul de Chagny, in Brittany? '“克丽斯廷!怎么了?你病了吗?”他俯下身去靠近她的座椅,“你不记得我了——沙尼家族的拉乌尔,在布列塔尼?”

7.As I read on, I reapzed that Brittany had died in a drunken driving accident a year ago.等我继续读下去,才发现布里塔尼已于一年前在一次因酒后驾车引发的事故中丧生。

8.The operator who failed to act on Brittany Zimmermann's call was allowed to transfer to another county position.对布瑞塔妮•齐默尔曼呼叫未做判断指令的那名接线员则获得允许同级调派其他郡。

9.One day, Brittany bribed a classmate to ask me to the school dance.一天,布里塔尼贿赂了一位同学,让他邀请我参加学校的舞会。

10.Brittany: Don't kick me out. Maybe I can help. Let me hear what you have so far.不要叫我出去。说不准我还能帮上忙呢。你把写好的唱来听听。