


美式发音: [ˈbrɪtn] 英式发音: [ˈbrɪtn]

un.布立顿(Edward Benjamin,1913-,英国作曲家)



un.1.布立顿(Edward Benjamin,1913-,英国作曲家)

1.布里顿•格兰迪(Michael Grandage)执导的布列顿Britten)的作品《比利巴德》(Billy Budd)和莫扎特的歌剧《唐璜》(Don Gi…

3.布烈顿 比才( Bizet) 布烈顿( Britten) 白辽士( Berpoz) ...

4.布瑞顿 ... Brahms 布拉姆斯 Britten 布瑞顿 Bruckner 布鲁克纳 ...

5.家布列顿 ... 11.英国的沃尔顿( Walton, 1902-1983) 14.英国的布里顿Britten, 1913-1976) 1.瓦茨( Watts, 167…


8.布里顿的)的《囚徒》(Il Prigioniero )、 布里顿的Britten )的《彼得·格莱姆斯》(Peter Grimes)和《比利·巴德》(Billy Budd…


1.The lucky thing was that he knew that Britten had done all his tricks at once, had shot his bolt.幸运的是,他知道布列顿已经一次耍完他的全套花招,使出了他的全部能耐。

2.He made some fantastic performances of Vaughan Wilpams and Britten; and he was loved by artists.他曾经精彩地演奏了沃恩威廉斯和布里顿的作品;他深受艺术家们爱戴。

3.Britten, according to the prevalent view, was a small-minded, provincial music maker, concerned chiefly with his own advancement.按照世人通常的看法,布里顿是个心胸狭窄、短见薄识的音乐匠人,只关心自己的远大前程。

4.In all 16 Britten's opera, Glorianais his creation of a National Opera and the heart of the building.在布里顿全部的16部歌剧中,《格洛里阿纳》是他为创作一部国家歌剧而倾心打造的。

5.The orchestra had been planning a British symphonic celebration with Hickox for 2010, and a Britten celebration for the Olympic year, 2012.乐团正与希考克斯一起计划2010年的英国交响乐盛典,还有2012年奥运年的布里顿庆典。

6.Mr Britten said: "We were laughing at Lady GaGa's outfit and that extraordinary wig and talking about how scary she looked. "Britten说:“LadyGaga的衣服和夸张的假发让我们笑疯了,她看上去真吓人。”

7.Britten walked away from the trunk, running the fingers of his left hand nervously through his hair.布列顿从旅行箱旁边走去了开去,用左手指烦躁不安地揉着头发。

8.Like Leonard Bernstein, England's Benjamin Britten has helped many young people to understand music better.像里纳德·伯恩斯坦一样,英格兰的本杰明·布里顿也帮助许多青年人更好地理解音乐作品。

9.The Russian declared himself speechless with admiration for Britten's pacifist "War Requiem" , which the commissars deplored.肖斯塔科维奇宣称,自己悉心倾听了布里顿宣扬和平主义的《战争安魂曲》,而人民委员对此深表遗憾。

10.A recent theory of gene control by Britten and Davidson (1969) gives a possible explanation of such observation.最近Britten和Davidson(1969)提出的基因调控学说可能解释这些观察的结果。