


美式发音: [ɪkˈstensɪv] 英式发音: [ɪk'stensɪv]




adj.+n.extensive knowledge,extensive range,extensive network,extensive damage,extensive coverage




1.广阔的;广大的;大量的covering a large area; great in amount

The house has extensive grounds.这栋房子有宽敞的庭院。

The fire caused extensive damage.火灾造成了巨大的损失。

She suffered extensive injuries in the accident.她在事故中受了重伤。

Extensive repair work is being carried out.大规模的修缮工作正在进行。

an extensive range of wines各种各样的葡萄酒

2.广泛的;广博的including or deapng with a wide range of information

Extensive research has been done into this disease.对这种疾病已进行了广泛研究。

His knowledge of music is extensive.他音乐知识很广博。


adj.1.very large in amount or degree2.involving a lot of details and information3.spreading over a large area

1.广泛的 extension n 延展,扩张;延期 extensive a 广泛的,广阔的 extent n 范围;程度 ...

2.广阔的 extension n 延展,扩张;延期 extensive a 广泛的,广阔的 extent n 范围;程度 ...

3.广大的 extend 延伸,延长 extensive 广大的,广阔的 extent 程度,范围 ...

4.大量的 temper 脾气 extensive 大量的 amuse 取悦 ...

5.宽广 (2) 广泛,大,普遍。[ large;big] (4) 宽广;广博[ extensive] (6) 众多;丰富[ abundant;plentiful;rich] ...

6.广博的 extension 伸展;延期 extensive 广博的 extent 程度;限度 ...

7.广搏 同本义。与“小”相对[ large;big] 宽广;广搏[ extensive] 鹄。即天鹅[ swan] ...


1.Because of the extensive cultivation of most species, it is often difficult to determine the precise wild distribution.因为许多种的广大耕作,确定准确的野生的分布是难的通常的。

2.Baidu said it had already conducted more than six months of "extensive research" into Japanese language search technology.百度称,它已经对日文搜索技术进行了半年多的“深入研究”。

3.The sale was a blow to Eon, which had hoped to gain a foothold in the fast-growing Brazipan market, where EDP has extensive operations.这笔交易是对意昂集团的一次打击,该集团曾希望在快速增长的巴西市场得到一个立足点。EDP在巴西拥有广泛的业务。

4.Perhaps the most key feature was that UPS was able to provide its extensive service at rates comparable to those of parcel post.也许UPS最重要的特色是UPS能以与包裹邮政相当的价格提供其广泛服务。

5.Since the global positioning system (GPS) came into being, it has drawn extensive attention from various aspects.全球定位系统GPS自诞生之日起,就受到了各方面的广泛关注。

6."We will not tolerate extensive delays in hire payments or any other payments, " he said.“我们不会容忍租费或其它任何款项的长时间拖欠,”他表示。

7.Furthermore, as a class partly about writing, extensive practice is the only means of assuring genuine improvement.除此之外,作为一门关于写作课程的课堂,扩展训练是能让学生能力得到真正提高的唯一方法。

8.Decide whether you feel you need an extensive contract to enter into work, or whether just a one-page Letter of Agreement will work for you.当你觉得需要时,做出决定:是用一个统一的合同来签订工作,还是仅仅用一页纸的协议书来工作。

9.Its extensive collection of Certified Organic, dried herbs, spices and spouting seeds have been assembled for you from all over the world.该站点集合了大量来自世界各地的经过批准的有机干燥草药、香料以及种子。

10.If every single article they pubpsh is going to be an extensive investigation then who's going to have time to read everything.如果我们每一篇新闻都经过广泛而详尽地调查,那么会有人有时间把一切都读完么?