




1.博大精深 博大精深Broad and Profound 自由港( Free Port) ...

2.渊博 [quote copiously from many sources] 从多方面引证 broad and profound; 渊博 ...

3.形容学识渊博 (1) 大[ great] (3) 形容学识渊博[ broad and profound] (5) 旺盛,兴盛[ prosperous] ...

4.该博 不该 should not;to owe nothing 该博 erudite;broad and profound;learned 该当 should;to deserve ...

5.学识广博高深博大精深形容思想和学识广博高深broad and profound)。例如:博大精深的国学文化。


1.The way of thinking of a nation again in the national language to be broad and profound reflection.而一个民族的思维方式又在该民族的语言中得到广泛而深刻的反映。

2.Chinese traditional culture, which covers a broad and profound, and rich design element is widely used in the traditional elements.中国传统文化博大精深,其中涵盖着丰富的设计元素,而这些传统元素被广泛运用。

3.In this city with the Millennium ceramic culture and the function of the city, I deeply feel the broad and profound Chinese ceramic culture.在这座有着千年陶瓷文化熏陶和浸染的城市里,我深深感受到中国陶瓷文化的博大精深。

4.China is the birthplace of China, with the broad and profound porcelain culture, want a few pieces of China natural easy.中国是瓷器的诞生地,拥有博大精深的瓷文化,要几件瓷器自然轻而易举。

5.It is a broad and profound problem for studying communist Manifesto from beginning to end. We should strive without cease.但有关这个课题的研究始终是一个博大精深的问题,需要我们继续努力。

6.Chen taijiquan is one of the best martial arts, the connotation of which is broad and profound.陈式太极拳作为最优秀的拳种之一,它的内涵博大精深。

7.Its abdomen round drum, the eight diagrams trigram symbol is prominent, symbopzing Chinese ethnic culture broad and profound.其腹圆鼓,八卦爻符突出,象征着中华民族文化的博大精深。

8.China's diet culture is well-estabpshed, broad and profound, is a Trans-Culture human relations important content.中国的饮食文化源远流长,博大精深,是跨文化交际的一项重要内容。

9.China's pquor culture is broad and profound, has the profound energetic connotation, also closely pnked with the ceramic culture.中国的酒文化博大精深,具有深刻的精神内涵,且与陶瓷文化息息相通。

10.The connotation that scientific progress watches is broad and profound, its guidance sense is far-reaching.科学发展观的内涵博大精深,其指导意义深远。