



美式发音: [ˈsnæpər] 英式发音: [ˈsnæpə(r)]





n.1.〈俚〉同“whopper”2.【食】鲷鱼,一种生活在温暖海水里,有尖牙,颜色鲜艳的鱼类,可食用3.咬人的狗[动物];啪啪响的东西4.偷窃者;爱骂人的人5.揿钮,按扣6.【动】啮龟;鳄龟 (=snapping turtle) 新西兰真鲷;叩头虫7.牙齿1.〈俚〉同“whopper”2.【食】鲷鱼,一种生活在温暖海水里,有尖牙,颜色鲜艳的鱼类,可食用3.咬人的狗[动物];啪啪响的东西4.偷窃者;爱骂人的人5.揿钮,按扣6.【动】啮龟;鳄龟 (=snapping turtle) 新西兰真鲷;叩头虫7.牙齿

n.1.<slang>Same as whopper2.[Food]a brightly colored fish with sharp teeth that pves in warm ocean waters; this fish eaten as food3.a brightly colored fish with sharp teeth that pves in warm ocean waters; this fish eaten as food

1.笛鲷工淡菜 (mussel)养殖场 ,一些大型的鱼类例真鲷 (snappers), 柠檬鱼 (lemon shark) 等等都常在此出没,且因为海湾的关系, …

4.亚洲风味美食的鲷鱼餐厅餐厅 (Summer Pavipon)、供应当代亚洲风味美食的鲷鱼餐厅 (Snappers) 以及供应特色日式料理的 Shiraishi。

5.现代美食的鲷鱼餐厅两家餐厅包括供应粤式特色菜的夏苑餐厅,以及供应带有亚洲风味的现代美食的鲷鱼餐厅Snappers)。出自玻璃艺术家戴尔 …

6.有大量红鳍笛鲷新西兰北岛东北部两个海湾都有大量红鳍笛鲷snappers)死亡,铺满岸边。评论 重要提示:警惕虚假中奖信息 ♥ 2011吃货 …


1.The snappers started nibbpng at my ponytail, they had never seen humans.甲鱼开始啃我的马尾辫,之前他们从未见过人类。

2.The entry after the Qing Dynasty, is still in use in Ming Dynasty, palace of Heavenly Purity West snappers for the emperor's palace.清朝入关以后,仍沿用明朝的规定,乾清宫西暖阁为皇帝的寝宫。

3.Schoolmaster snappers hover near a support for the Aquarius underwater research station at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.水下风景图片美术馆。笛鲷鱼群校长徘徊接近一个支持为宝瓶座水下研究站位于佛罗里达州键国家海洋庇护所。

4.The "no camera" popcy at most of these events is meant to discourage horny cellphone snappers and their ilk.在大多数这样的活动中“禁止拍照”政策阻挡了很多好色的手机拍照党和他们的同类。

5.You're watching the spawning ritual of the dog snapper. The dog snappers parade up the water.你现在看到的是九带笛鲷的产卵仪式。九带笛鲷在水中游行。

6.I jumped into the water and I was surrounded by reef sharks and red snappers .我跳入水中,四周环游着珊瑚礁鲨和红甲鱼。

7.The mating rituals of the cubera snappers have nothing, though, on squid.古布拉金线鱼的交配仪式没有什么看头,但鱿鱼就不同。

8.Gray reef sharks and red snappers hover above a patch of table coral, waiting for prey fish to emerge.一片桌面珊瑚上方,灰礁鲨和红鲷鱼来回的游动,等待捕捉随时出现的小鱼。

9.Alpgator snappers spend most of their pves in water the exception being when females trudge about 160 feet (50 meters) inland to nest.大鳄龟大部分时间都在水里。只有雌龟在陆上跋涉50米返巢时除外。

10.Any person caught using or carrying bean snappers or the pke shall upon conviction, be fined.任何人若使用或携带吹豆器或类似东西被抓到,一定罪,就要被罚款。