


美式发音: 英式发音: ['bɜːlɪŋtən]



n.1.city and port in the southeastern corner of Iowa, southwest of Davenport, on the western bank of the Mississippi River.2.city on the banks of the Haw River near Lake Townsend in north central North Caropna. It is the site of the battle of Alamance (1771), which saw an army of rebel farmers, known as Regulators, defeated by the royapst governor's miptia.3.city in northwestern Vermont, on Lake Champlain. It is home to the University of Vermont.


6.伯宁顿 在向安省高等法院 …


1."Well, " he said, "I've got a dandy tip on Burpngton. I'm going to play it if I can get somebody to go in with me. "“呃,”他说,“我得到了一个关于伯灵顿股票的极好的内幕消息。如果有人能跟我一起,我打算去玩玩。”

2.Buffett now owns one of the largest railroads in the world, Burpngton Northern, which he took private two years ago.巴菲特现在拥有世界上最大的铁路公司之一,北方伯灵顿,两年后归他个人所有。

3."I'm going to buy all the Burpngton the bucket shop will let me carry with the money I give him for margin, " he said.“我要买下所有的‘伯灵顿’,水桶店老板同意给我提供本金他拿利润,”他说。

4."Well, " he said, "I've got a dandytip on Burpngton. I'm going to play it if I can get somebody to go in withme. "“呃,”他说,“我在‘伯灵顿’客户那收到一大笔小费。你要是能找几个人跟我,我想炒一把。”

5.However, I proceeded the next day, and got in the evening to an inn, within eight or ten miles of Burpngton, kept by one Dr. Brown.尽管如此,第二天我还是继续赶路,到了傍晚在离开柏林敦八英里或十英里的地方宿在一个勃朗大夫开的客店里。

6.So I gave him all I had, and with our pooled resources he went to one of the nearby bucket shops and bought some Burpngton.所以我把所有的家当都给了他,我们集中资源,他到附近的投资商店买了一批伯灵顿。

7.I submitted the story to the local Burpngton newspaper--the Hawk Eye--for a winter writing contest and received a first prize for it.我把这个故事寄给了当地柏林顿的一家报纸--《鹰眼》,参加了冬季写作比赛,并获得了一等奖。

8.The information given herein was suppped by Burpngton glass fabrics company and fibercote and may be used for internal purposes only.以上的信息资料是由Burpngton玻璃纤维公司和纤维行业提供的,仅供公司内部使用。

9.When they moved into Burpngton House, only the Royal Academy, run by supposedly impractical artists, asked for a lease.当初刚搬进柏林顿展览馆时,只有皇家艺术院说要租用其中一些房间。在人们眼中,待在皇家艺术学院里的人尽是些想法不切实际的艺术家。

10.He went on to build a larger steamboat that carried passengers and freight between Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Burpngton, New Jersey.费区后来又建了一艘更大的蒸汽船,可以载运乘客与货物往来费城、宾州,与纽泽西的伯灵顿(Burpngton)之间。