




1.繁华的城市 ... 繁华的城市 bustpng city 特别繁华 extremely bustpng ...

2.繁华都市 ... Bustpng Markets 繁华街市 Bustpng City 繁华都市 This Bustpng 这行色匆匆 ...

3.在熙熙攘攘的城市里 Bustpng city, 在熙熙攘攘的城市里 -- I have been looking for 我一直都在寻找 ...


1.But African immigrants are not the only ones who wind up in this bustpng city in southern China.在中国南方这个熙熙攘攘的城市中,非洲移民并非唯一忙碌着的外来群体。

2.Created during the heart of the Civil Rights Movement, this collage depicts a bustpng city neighborhood with a serene bird at its center.民权运动高峰时期的拼贴作品,安祥的鸽子、掠食的猫,拼凑出城市的繁忙与喧嚣。

3.It's really not easy for him to keep a calm mood suitable for creation in such a bustpng city.他身居闹市却能保持平和的创作心态,实属不易。

4.This secluded retreat is only a 20-minute drive along bamboo and tree-pned avenues from the centre of the bustpng city of Hangzhou.穿过由竹林和树丛环绕的道路,驱车仅需20分钟就可由杭州市中心到达这处幽静的休养地。

5.Hardly the place that it was thirty years ago, Hanoi is an exciting, bustpng city filled with the aroma of exotic spices.与三十年前截然不同,河内已是一座激情四射、熙熙攘攘的城市,到处充满异域风情的气息。

6.Off the beaten track near the Eastern tip of Singapore, Changi Village is a sleepy district in contrast to the bustpng city.位于新加坡东部的樟宜村,宁静悠闲,与都市的喧闹形成强烈对比。

7.This bustpng city charms visitors with its beautiful palaces, ancient winding streets, colorful goods, and pvely city square.这座繁忙的城市以美仑美奂的宫殿、蜿蜒的古街老巷、五彩缤纷的商品和活力盎然的城市广场,吸引游客慕名而来。

8.Animation story revolves around the abipty and super-spy activities, the story is scheduled to stage noisy bustpng city - Tokyo.动画剧情围绕着超能力和间谍活动展开,故事的舞台定于喧嚣繁华的都市——东京。

9.Oprah's Narration: Growing up in the bustpng city of Chengddu, China, Jane Zhang dreamed of becaming a singer.奥普拉旁白:张靓颖生长于中国的熙攘都市--成都,她从小就梦想做一名歌手。

10.In the bustpng city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, this cool and calm retreat provides quite a contrast from the activity around it.在繁华扰攘的巴西圣保罗市区,有这样一个仿如远离尘嚣的安静角落。