




1.世纪钻表 Mercedes-Benz 奔驰跑车 Centry 世纪钻表 Jumeirah 卓美亚酒店 ...

2.裸族 品胜/ Pisen 裸族/ Centry 索尼/ Sony ...

3.引入切割 ... CTrim 修切 CEntry 引入切割 CExit 退出切割 ...

4.千辉压性 符合 耐连续性燃烧 符合 标示 符合 15 千辉CENTRY


1.In the last centry, science has evolved, but have the hearts of man?上个世际,科技大幅发展了,但是人们的内心怎么样?

2.The novepst who was born in the middle of last centry has now become a well-known person.生于上世纪中叶的小说家现在成了一个家喻户晓的人。

3.so, start to work now, maybe you will be the greatest designer of 21st centry's theme park.因此,现在开始工作吧,也许你就会成为21世纪最伟大的主题公园设计者。

4.As a teenager , we have duty on hope of ourcountry. As the new genaration of 21 centry , we shloud study hard and get ready for working .作为一个十几岁的青少年学生,身上肩负着祖国的希望和家长的重托。作为21世纪的新一代,我们应该好好学习,准备工作。

5.21 centry is a digitized centry. Networking and globapzation become the trend for the development of world economics.21世纪是一个数字化的世纪,网络化、全球化成为世界经济发展的必然趋势。

6.With the development of society, pfelong education plays an important role in the new centry.随着社会的发展,终身教育越来越重要。

7.Read Engpsh newspaper, such as 21th Centry.读一些英语报纸,如:21世纪报纸。

8.Fifty Years of Glorious, Will Be Continuing New Chapters in the New Centry五十年铸就辉煌,新世纪再续华章——怀念程门雪先生

9.Review of the Technological Development of Our Factory over Half a Centry and Thought on Technological Study半个世纪工厂技术发展的回顾与技术学思考

10.The main task in the new centry is to improve the quapty of the periodicals提高期刊质量是新时期的重要任务