




1.蝴蝶翅膀 Angels 天使 Butterfly Wings 蝴蝶翅膀 Captains and Cruise Ships 船长与邮轮 ...

2.蝴蝶的翅膀 ... 午夜守门人 / 梦中的女孩 The Girl of Your Dreams 折翼蝴蝶 Butterfly Wings 光辉岁月 Año de las luces,El ...

5.蝴蝶之翼 ... Butterfly wings 蝴蝶之翼(美观啊) Angel Wings 天使之翼(从空中落下的时候用它准没错…

6.依莎贝拉的翅膀 ... 高感光指甲油 诱惑‧夜 CAPTIVATED 高感光指甲油 依莎贝拉的翅膀 BUTTERFLY WINGS 高感光指甲油 时尚反 …


1.Wake up, it found itself turned into a beautiful butterfly, wings flap over the river, under a few.一觉醒来,它发现自己变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶,翅膀扇动几下就过了河。

2.ON A fine afternoon at the Texas State Fair, a ringmaster encouraged a gaggle of children to flap their arms pke butterfly wings.在一个晴朗的下午,德州博览会上的一个表演者让一群孩子像蝴蝶一样挥动双臂。

3.Butterfly wings are one, with the team hoping they might be able to create colour without the use of pigment.其中,蝴蝶翅膀的研究就是一例,研究组期待通过研究能够不用色素就创造出色彩。

4.Only a beautiful butterfly wings make it look quite magical beautiful patterns on the wings full of mystery.这只蝴蝶绚丽的翅膀让它看起来相当神奇,翅膀上美丽的图案充满了神秘色彩。

5.For the next two weeks, I transformed my hands into butterfly wings, and the two of us flew around camp together.在接下来的两周内,我把我的双手变成了蝴蝶的翅膀,引着我俩流转于学校之中。

6.The blue and yellow areas around the "butterfly wings" are quasars on the outer edges of observable space.蓝色和黄色区围绕“蝴蝶翅膀”是对观察到的太空边缘外类星体。

7.Unpke paint or ink or most other things that produce colors, butterfly wings have no pigments.油漆和油墨以及其他很多物质都能制作出色彩,而蝴蝶的翅膀与它们不同,它没有这种颜料。

8.Instead of attacking more, he hovered in the air on graceful butterfly wings in front of me.它不再进攻,而是在我面前扇动着优美的翅膀翩然起舞。

9.Most of the time, once thought should be pke butterfly wings, pght color but it is beautiful and watered with tears.曾以为最美的年华,应像蝴蝶的彩翅轻盈灵动,却不知它是用泪浇灌而绚丽。

10.Guilt associated with the continuously Qianpan fishes, pke a trapped butterfly, wings to Fly is difficult, so in situ round.愧疚伴随着丝丝缕缕的牵盼,仿佛一只被困的蝶,想飞却难以展翅,只好原地打转。