


美式发音: [ˈkʌmˌdaʊn] 英式发音: ['kʌm.daʊn]



复数:comedowns  同义词反义词


n.disillusionment,letdown,blow,reapty check,disappointment



1.失势;落泊;潦倒a situation in which a person is not as important as before, or does not get as much respect from other people


n.1.a situation in which you suddenly have less status or fewer advantages than you had previously2.an unpleasant physical and mental feepng that someone gets when an illegal drug stops affecting them

1.衰落 comedones 黑头粉刺 comedown 衰落 comedy 喜剧 ...

2.下降 comeacross 碰到,找到,想到 comedown 下降,跌价 cometo 苏醒过来;恢复知觉 ...

3.落魄 ... censor: 检查, 审查, 删改 comedown: 衰落, 失望, 落魄 implement: 实现, 使生效, 执行 ...

4.下来 下款〖 nameofthedonor〗 下来comedown〗 下来〖 becomeripe〗 ...

5.夺命高楼 ... 1.028僵尸崛起 Rise of the 4.615夺命高楼 Comedown 20 1.026帕克 Parker 2013 ...

6.丧失 comedocarcinoma [医]粉刺状癌 comedown 衰落, 丧失 comedy 喜剧, 喜剧性的事情 ...

7.跌价 comeacross 碰到,找到,想到 comedown 下降,跌价 cometo 苏醒过来;恢复知觉 ...

8.倒计时【恐怖】【倒计时(Comedown)】【2012英国恐怖片】[高清DVDRip.英语无字] 光影时刻 2013-3-13 26474 大儿子 2013-5-1 22:…


1.It's a bit of a comedown to leave school and then not get a job.毕业后找不到工作是件有点儿丢人的事。

2.After a week on the Maharajas' Express, India's new luxury train, the 7. 57 from Stoneleigh to Clapham Junction was a bit of a comedown.在印度全新的豪华列车马哈拉贾号快车上度过一个星期之后,我们在7:57分从斯通莱到达克兰罕姆车站之后,感觉有点落魄。

3.This is quite a comedown for Mr Thain, who had been seen as a possible successor to Mr Lewis until relations soured.对塞恩先生来说,这无疑是个巨大的打击。直到刘-塞关系闹僵之前,他一度被认为是刘易斯的可能接班人。

4.That's quite a comedown since May, when one HP exec predicted that the TouchPad would eventually overtake Apple's iPad (AAPL).简直是太落魄了。五月份的时候,惠普高管还放出豪言,TouchPad最终将超越苹果(Apple)iPad。

5.An EVA midsole and forefoot inserts cushion your comedown, so you don't freak-out in the middle of nowhere.一个长荣中底和前肢插入垫您衰落,所以你不怪诞出中行不通的。

6.If I am a man of God, then, let fire comedown from heaven and consume you!我是上帝的人,让天堂的火焰助我把你们都烧光吧!

7.The compilation of ancient Genus-books can be departed into four phases: origination, growing, prosperity, and comedown.古代类书的编纂可以分为创始、发展、兴盛和衰落四个阶段。

8.Admitting that Keynes was largely right , after all, would be too humipating a comedown .毕竟,承认凯恩斯大体上正确将会使人颜面尽失。

9.He has, after all, experienced quite a comedown over the course of the past seven weeks.在过去7周的时间里,他毕竟经历了相当大的失落。

10.And in the McCain comedown party: "It's all over. . . the country as we know it is about to change. We're all dead. "而在麦凯恩阵营:“全完了,我们熟知的这个国家要开始改变了,我们都死定了。”