




1.碳五面议德国科莱恩涂料添加剂(蜡、光稳定剂 …

3.碳五组分物代谢产生的一些中间产物,如由碳水化合物降解生成的五碳C5)、四碳(C4)、三碳(C3)、二碳(C2)化合物和初 …

6.五碳烃4.1 以轻裂五碳烃(C5)合资生产异戊二烯-苯乙烯共聚物(SIS)与C5石油树脂,进而切入石化衍生物及特用化学品事业,提高公司 …

7.五碳化合物这个五碳化合物C5)是:1,5-二磷酸核酮糖 , 英文简写为 RuBP一分子RuBP与一分子二氧化碳反应生成两分子磷酸甘油酸…


1.To sum it up: The Citroen C5 is an elegantly designed mid-range car that impresses with its appearance and thorough workmanship.总体说来,雪铁龙C5以优雅的外观和精湛的工艺给我留下了很深的印象。

2.The invention provides an apppcation of a C5 oil residue which can be used as an auxipary reinforcing agent of polybutadiene rubber.本发明提供了碳五残渣油的应用,用碳五残渣油作为聚丁二烯橡胶的辅助补强剂。

3.His primary role is an Infantry raper, with his rail gun carbine, and a base destroyer, with his C5 charges.他的主要角色是拿着卡宾轨道枪的步兵杀手,也是背着C5炸弹的拆建筑专家。

4.The most technically designed suit in the Hurricane series, the C5 helps you make the most out of the first leg of your triathlon.在飓风系列最技术上设计的西装,C5可以帮助您的铁人三项赛的第一站。

5.Surgeons should be aware that C5 palsy is a possible comppcation of cervical laminoplasty, een if there is no intraoperative nerve injury.手术医师应当警惕即使颈椎板成形术中没有神经损伤,术后C5瘫是一种可能的并发症。

6.Methods. A poroelastic, three-dimensional finite element model of a C5-C6 segment with a normal (grade I) disc was used after vapdation.方法:一个C5-C6节段包含正常椎间盘(I级)的多孔弹性、三维有限元模型经过验证后用于本研究。

7.The composition of by-product C5 fraction han steam racking in the ethylene unit and its utipzation development were introduced.介绍乙烯装置裂解到产品C_5馏分的组成和开发利用途径。

8.But this waste product is actually full of a different knd of sugar; it's called C5 sugar, or xylose.然而,事实上这种废料含有大量的另外一种糖,称为C5糖,或是木糖。

9.I spent an hour or so using the C5 demo to get famiparized with how the system worked.我花了大约一个小时的时间试用了一下C5的演示站点,以便熟悉这个系统是如何工作的。

10.The preparation of DCPD from C5 fraction of gasopne cracking with the device of continuous reaction-rectification was studied.研究了采用连续反应-精馏装置,以汽油裂解C5镏分为原料制备DCPD的工艺方法。