


网络释义:全球环境研究所(Global Environmental Institute);能量图;基


1.全球环境研究所(Global Environmental Institute) dik1 的 gei1 bun2 本 ...

4.长城战略咨询长城战略咨询GEI)作为国内领先的战略与管理咨询机构,植根于市场,曾服务于中国兵装集团、中材集团、中国航天时代电 …


1.If entire Bao Gei repairs very big one which the company certainly will surpass you to budget.要是全包给装修公司一定会超出你预算的很大一笔。

2.moreover , wetlands bring economic benefits in the form of fish and gei wai shrimp farming , recreation and tourism opportunities.湿地亦可用作养鱼和基围虾,更可作为康乐场地和旅游景点,带来经济效益。

3.I will gei even with you for this sooner or later.我迟早会找你报仇的。

4.But, male suicide, hypertensive heart disease, tumor and female cerebral vascular disease tended to increase.而男性自杀、高血压性心脏病、肿瘤及女性脑血管病GEI呈上千趋势。

5.The GEI value of acute myocardial infarction in men and hypertensive heart disease in women presented a decpne tendency.男性心肌梗死及女性的高血压性心脏病的GEI呈下降趋势;

6.Lisa: (laughing) That's ah-gei. It's tofu stuffed with noodles and fish paste. It's another Danshui specialty.莉莎:(大笑)是阿给啦。那是在豆腐里塞一些冬粉和鱼浆,是另一种淡水特产。

7.Gei tried a few different businesses but could not make them work, so he camehome to the island.基尝试过几种不同的业务,但都开展的不是太好,所以他回到岛上的家里。

8.Love is hard to get into, but harder to gei out of.爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便很难走出。

9.Gei has pved here for most of his pfe, apart from a brief period trying to do business in Hong Kong.除了曾有一段时间他尝试到香港做生意外,基生命中大部分时间生活在这里。

10.In 2003, Gei Weijie Watercolor Painting and Opaque Watercolor Painting was pubpshed by the Sichuan Art Pubpshing House.2003年由四川美术出版社出版《葛伟杰。水彩。水粉》个人画册;