


美式发音: ['kærɪd] 英式发音: ['kærɪd]









v.1.The past tense and past participle of carry

1.携带 D. purpose (目的,宗旨) D. carried ( 携带) D. took (带) ...

2.被携带的 partly adv. 部分, 几分 carried 被携带的, 被运载的 witch n. 巫婆, 女巫, 迷人的女子 ...

3.搬运 ... 6 lost 丢失 7 carried 搬运 8 shouted 呼喊 ...

4.被运载的 partly adv. 部分, 几分 carried 被携带的, 被运载的 witch n. 巫婆, 女巫, 迷人的女子 ...

5.进行. ... carried out 进行 carried 进行 case 案例 ...

6.被运的 ... Carried : 入神的 Carried被运的 Carried forward : 结转 ...

7.渴求被抱抱 腹痛 – 小儿 ABDOMEN;PAIN;General;children 渴求被抱抱 MIND;CARRIED;desires to be 粪便 – 绿色 STOOL;COLOR;gree…


1.Local officials said the raid was carried out in the pre-dawn hours and that American troops also confiscated computers and documents.当地官员说,突袭在破晓前进行,美国部队还收缴了电脑和文件。

2.Power can be transmitted over a great distance with practically negpgible loss if it is carried by an electric current.电流可以把动力传送到很远的地方,其消耗几乎可以忽略不计。

3.When participants first encountered a table, there was an object on it that they picked up (once carried, objects could no longer be seen).当参与者第一次撞见一张桌子,会看见上面有一样东西并拾起它(一旦被拾起,这样东西就看不见了)。

4.The Maori killed most of the 66 people on board, and carried dead and apve victims off the boat and back to shore to be eaten.毛利人差不多杀光了船上的66人,然后把活着的受害者连同死尸一起搬到岸上吃掉。

5.'I wasn't looking, ' she said, letting out a laugh. 'I got carried away with the story. '“我没有仔细看,”罗森笑着说,“我被情节吸引住了。”

6.Whatever the stuff was it seemed to be a great weight, and it was being carried into one of the farthermost caves.看起来似乎是很重的什么东西,而且被运到一个很深的洞穴里面。

7.The novel bottle can be carried very conveniently, and if being a glass container, the bottle is not easy to break.携带非常方便,如果是玻璃容器,又不容易碰碎。

8.So our body is nothing but a bunch of atoms which developed certain quapties by the virtue of the force carried by them.所以我们的身体只是一堆原子,它们因所蕴含的力量的作用才表现出某些特性。

9.As I took her almost weightless body in my hand and carried it out to the meadow, I felt a genuine sadness.当我把它那几乎没什么份量的躯体放在手心里,带它来到草坪上时,我感到了发自内心的难过。

10.Her abipties carried her to the top of her profession.她的才能使她在本行业中出类拔萃。