


美式发音: [ðerˈbaɪ] 英式发音: [ðeə(r)ˈbaɪ]




adv.thus,so,in that way,by this means,in so doing



1.因此;由此;从而used to introduce the result of the action or situation mentioned

Regular exercise strengthens the heart, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack.经常锻炼可以增强心脏机能,从而减少心脏病发作的危险。

adv.1.因此,所以2.〈古〉在那附近=thereabout(s). T- hangs a tale. 其中有点蹊跷[必有原因]

adv.1.because of, or by means of, what has just been mentioned

1.因此 thereafter 在那之后 thereby 因此 therefore 所以 ...

2.从而 guitar 六弦琴,吉他 thereby 由此,从而 passive 被动的;2.消极的 ...

3.由此 guitar 六弦琴,吉他 thereby 由此,从而 passive 被动的;2.消极的 ...

4.由此,从而 ... thereat adj. 在那边,因此 thereby adv. 由此,从而;在那附近 therefore adv. 因此;所以;故;乃 ...

5.因此,从而 though“ 尽管”; thereby因此,从而”。 entirely“ 完全地”; ...

6.所以 temple 庙,寺,圣堂,神殿 thereby 因此,所以 trumpet 喇叭;小号 ...

7.藉此 theory||理论 thereby||藉此 thesis||论题 ...

8.因而 theoretical 理论上的 thereby 因而,从而 thermometer 温度计 ...


1.When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.耶稣听见就说,这病不至于死,乃是为神的荣耀,叫神的儿子因此得荣耀。

2.Thereby it proves itself to be a biological factor that can be described phenomenologically pke any other object of natural science.因此,心灵证明自己是一种生物的因素,能够从现象方面来描述,如同任何其他的自然科学的研究的物件。

3.But they don't take advantage of all that solar heat, thereby missing out on the majority of the solar energy reaching the cell.但是它们并没有利用所有的太阳热能,因此在能量到达电池前浪费了大部分的太阳能。

4.Thereby creating the visual illusion that confirms that it is possible: we have eyes to see all is not necessarily true.从而产生的这种视觉上的幻觉证实了一点,那就是:我们眼睛所看到的一切并不一定都是真实的。

5.It can be all too easy to dismiss the worth or depth of your own problems, and thereby seek to apologise for your need for help.人们很容易就会忽视自身问题的价值或者严重性,并由此对自己需要帮助心存歉意。

6.And minuteness being able to see object changes , initiates thereby a thinking, carry out analytical cognition on it's phenomenon.能看到事物的细微变化,从而引发思考,并对其现象进行分析认知。

7.Are we adapting to a mascupne standard, thereby neglecting something of our femininity?我们是不是耳濡目染了更多男性的标准,从而摒弃了女性特有的美?

8.Automating your documentation's generation will help you keep it up to date and thereby make it more useful for your software's users.自动化生成文档便可以解决这两个问题,它可以保持文档的时效性,从而使它对您的软件用户更加有用。

9.When you set a new goal, think about what habits would enable you to put that goal on autopilot, thereby making it a done deal.当你确定一个目标时,思考一下什么样的习惯可以让你的那个目标顺利实现,然后付诸于行动。

10.This allows you to produce a smaller size file of the graphic, thereby lowering the quapty of the graphic.通过此操作可以产生较小的图形文件,从而降低了图形的质量。