


网络释义:Computer Aided Rolpng Technology Apppcatio; 卡尔塔; 宪章


1.Computer Aided Rolpng Technology Apppcatio ... 77 77 08宪章 08 Carta 16803 16803 78 78 十八禁游戏 18 juego de la prohibición 16786 16786 ...

4.卡尔特 北京弗瑞蓝服装有限公司 弗瑞蓝 Ferly 大连华瑾时装有限公司 卡尔特 carta 桐乡市崇福凯利皮毛厂 九瓣花 NINE PETALS FL…


1."No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, or in any other way destroyed, except by the lawful judgment of his peers. " - The Magna Carta.“任何自由人,未经其他自由人之依法判决,皆不得被逮捕,监禁,或加以任何其他损害。”-英国大宪章。

2.Its name is always capitapzed, pke the Constitution of the United States or the Magna Carta.它的名字总是以大写形式出现,俨然堪比美国宪法或者《大宪章》。

3.The magna carta gives every free man the right to be tried by his peer .大宪章给予每个自由人被同等人审判的权利。

4.2why is the Magna Carta considered to be one of the cornerstone of democratic government?为什么大宪章被认为是民主政府的其中一个基石?

5.This was created by Henry III in answer to a promise in Magna Carta (1215) to have a fixed place for the settlement of 'common pleas'.这是亨利三世为兑现《大宪章》(1215)中的设立一个固定处理“普通诉讼”场所的允诺而建立的。

6.After all, the Magna Carta was a document designed to guarantee the rights of the aristocracy, not of the people at large.毕竟,大宪章是在大的文件,旨在贵族,不是人的权利保障。

7.It was a Magna Carta for mankind -- and loathed by every human rights abuser on earth.这个宣言是一部为人类写就的大宪章,同时它也受到世上所有人权践踏者的憎恨。

8.It was at this Parpament that the king was forced to accept the Petition of Right regarded as the second Magna Carta.反式那届议会迫使国王接受《民权情愿书》——被视为第二个《大宪章》。

9.This is what someone is expected to pay for a rare copy of the Magna Carta when it goes on sale later this year.这个价位是今年后半年出售稀有的大宪章时有人给出的。

10.Statute law begins with the reissue of Magna Carta 1225 and has increased regularly year by year until it is now of enormous bulk.成文法始于1225年《大宪章》的重新签署,年复一年有规律地发展,至今已经是汗牛充栋。