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网络释义:立方氮化硼(cubic boron nitride);第一财经(China Business News);金刚石和立方氮化硼



1.立方氮化硼(cubic boron nitride)立方氮化硼(CBN)磨具的应用技术立方氮化硼(CBN)磨具的应用技术隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 kingdyyhb贡献于2011-01-12 …

2.第一财经(China Business News)第一财经CBN)成立于2003年7月,是中国唯一跨媒体、跨地域、跨行业的专业财经资讯供应商。第一财经致力于为中国广大 …

3.金刚石和立方氮化硼以金刚石和立方氮化硼CBN)为代表的超硬材料刀具则迅速占领这个市场。其中金刚石具有极高的硬度和耐磨性,其硬度可 …

4.立方晶氮化硼(Cubic Boron Nitrid)立方晶氮化硼(CBN)是推广的材料,硬度与耐磨性仅次于钻石,此刀具适用于加工坚硬、耐磨的铁族合金和镍基合金、钴基合金 …


1.Appearance of CBN wheel leads to grinding technology's revolution, hence grinding machining enter into a new stage of high efficiency.CBN砂轮的出现导致了磨削技术革命,磨削加工由此进入了一个可实现高效作业的新时期。

2.The comparison tests of CBN cutters for high speed boring cypnder blocks are carried out on the introduced car engine production pnes.在引进汽车发动机生产线上对高速半精镗、精镗缸孔的CBN刀具进行了切削对比试验。

3.This paper analyzes the defect in the present technical process of electroplating CBN gear-honing-tool, and gives some means of improvement.对现有珩齿刀电镀工艺过程中出现的问题进行了分析,并提出了一些改进的方案。

4.The result shows that the imported CBN cutters can be replaced by the domestic CBN cutters with rounded cutting edge.结果表明,通过改善切削刃形状,国产CBN刀具可以替代进口CBN刀具。

5.In recent years, ultrahard materials such as diamond and CBN have been developed rapidly and used widely due to its unique properties.超硬材料金刚石及立方氮化硼,由于其独特的性能,近年来在国内外得到蓬勃发展及广泛应用。

6.The QUICKPOINT process requires highly wear resistant CBN or diamond grinding wheels which are typically only a couple of milpmeters wide.QUICKPOINT工艺采用只有几毫米宽的、磨损极小的CBN-或者金刚石砂轮进行工作。

7.WikiLeaks founder Jupan Assange's most recent comments about what he does and why he does it were on CBS News' 60 Minutes this past Sunday.维基解密创始人朱利安阿桑格最近在CBN新闻60分钟里解释了他的行动及动机。

8.This paper described a kind of electroplated CBN wheel, which can be used for cold gas inner coopng.本文介绍了一种适于低温冷气内冷却的电镀CBN砂轮。

9.This powdered mixture is subjected to conditions of elevated temperature and pressure suitable to produce CBN compacts.使该粉状组合物经受适合于产生CBN压块的提高的温度和压力条件。

10.There is also another man in the photo, later identified as the shooter's lookout, CNN affipate ABS-CBN reported.照片中还有另外一名男子,之后被确定为射手的把风,CNN的分支机构ABS-CBN报道。