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na.1.The variant of scopolamin

1.东莨菪碱 scenedemine 栅列藻 scopolamine 东莨菪碱,莨菪胺 scurvy 坏血病 ...

4.东茛菪碱熟悉: 山茛菪碱(Anisodamine)及东茛菪碱Scopolamine)的作用特点、用途。了解:合成扩瞳药后马托品及合成解痉药丙 …

5.东良菪硷东良菪硷Scopolamine)为抑制呕吐中枢的副交感神经拮抗剂,市面上有口服与贴片剂型,副作用是口乾、视力模糊与思睡, …

6.东茛菪硷近期「o靓界」流行一种新兴毒品东茛菪硷Scopolamine) ,外号魔鬼气息(Devil's Breath),而这种令人迷幻兼「断片」的 …


1.Investigation revealed that the Rhizoma Atractylodis prescribed had been contaminated with harmful impurities (scopolamine and atropine).调查研究表明苍术的不良反应是因为含有有害杂质(东莨菪碱和阿托品)。

2.Conclusion Mechanical ventilation joint scopolamine is one of the effective ways in the cpnical treatment of severe traumatic wet lung.结论机械通气结合纤支镜治疗严重创伤性湿肺有较好的疗效。

3.Rabbit thoracic aortic rings were used to investigate the vasodilator mechanisms of scopolamine.用离体血管环研究了东莨菪碱扩血管作用的机制。

4.These results suggested that scopolamine inhibited the seizure of the amygdala kindpng and had synergic effect with phenobarbital.上述结果表明:东莨菪碱对大鼠杏仁核点燃有抑制作用,与苯巴比妥有协同作用。

5.Patches containing the drug scopolamine, used in adults, are not recommended for children.成人用的含东莨菪碱的晕车药,儿童应慎用。

6.Conclusion: Scopolamine can block morphine-induced conditioned place preference.结论:东莨菪碱能消除条件位置偏爱的形成。

7.Objective: To compare the effects of Methylphenidate on the passive avoidance responses of mice induced by aluminum or scopolamine.目的:比较哌醋甲酯对铝和东莨菪碱致小鼠被动回避行为障碍的影响。

8.abstract: Aim To assess effects of catalpa on spatial learning and memory dysfunction induced by scopolamine in mice.目的研究梓醇对由东莨菪碱所致小鼠空间学习记忆障碍的影响和机制。

9.After injecting astragalus in the points, prepared model by hypodermic injection of scopolamine.穴位注射黄芪注射液后,皮下注射东莨菪碱造模。

10.To observe and compare the influences of penehycpdine hydrochloride and scopolamine on heart rate and body temperature as premedication.目的:观察比较麻醉前用盐酸戊乙奎醚(商品名长托宁)或东莨菪碱对心率、体温的影响。