


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:内生肌酐清除率;群集连续复制(cluster continuous replication);中央控制室(central control room)



1.内生肌酐清除率内生肌酐清除率CCr)与公式推算肾小球滤过率(eGFR) 美国肾脏基金会 2002 年 《K/DOQI 指南》 对慢性肾脏病(CKD)的 …

2.群集连续复制(cluster continuous replication)群集连续复制CCR)cluster continuous replication 2009-02-01 11:43:00| 分类: Exchange系列 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 20…

3.中央控制室(central control room)厂区设中央控制室(CCR)和石灰石破碎、原料处理、原料磨、窑尾、窑头等电气室。各电气室分别设置在被控制生产过程的附近…

4.肌酸酐廓清率肾衰竭肌酸酐廓清率(CCr) < 5 ml/min或 血清肌酸酐(Cr) ≧10 mg/dl,或 (2) 非糖尿病患者:肌酐酸廓清率(CCr) ≦10 ml/min或 …


1.It brought to mind one of my favorite CCR songs, and a suddenly-realized tie-in to the topic of my commentary.它让我想起了自己最喜欢的CCR歌曲之一,以及在突然间认识到的与我的评论主题的联系。

2.CCR is an availability solution that may lose some data when a server failure occurs , but it also maintains two copies of the data .CCR是一种可用性解决方案,在服务器出现故障时可能会丢失某些数据,但它另外维护了两个数据副本。

3.CCR is not appropriate for patients with a respiratory arrest, because such patients require assisted ventilation as quickly as possible.心脑复苏并不适合呼吸骤停的病人。这类病人首先需要尽快辅助通气。

4.Cluster continuous replication (CCR) uses the Cluster service to help manage a Mailbox server to automatically recover from failures .群集连续复制(CCR)使用群集服务来帮助您管理邮箱服务器从故障状态自动恢复到正常状态。

5.In a CCR environment, only one node can be taken offline at a time.在CCR环境中,一次只能使一个节点脱机。

6.A divergence is reported in the event log after CCR has seen significant traffic since the last outage .自上次中断以来CCR发现产生了大量通信后,将在事件日志中报告所出现的更改。

7.CCR is designed to be either a one or two datacenter solution, providing both high availability and site resilience.CCR针对一个或两个数据中心解决方案而设计,可以提供高可用性和站点弹性。

8.Cluster continuous replication CCR combines automatic management of redundancy and application-level data replication.群集连续复制CCR将冗余的自动管理和应用程序级数据复制组合在一起。

9.If the missing volumes only contain logs and the system files, CCR will repopulate this data automatically.如果丢失的卷只包含日志和系统文件,CCR将自动重新填充该数据。

10.CCR is a solution that can be deployed without a single point of failure in a single data center or between two data centers .CCR解决方案可以在没有单一故障点的单个数据中心中或两个数据中心之间部署。