


美式发音: [fɜr] 英式发音: [fɜː(r)]


abbr.(=food-irradiation reactor)食物辐射(杀菌)用反应堆

英文单词:有限脉冲响应(Finite Impulse Response);枞树(fir-tree);远红外线(far infrared ray)




1.枞;冷杉an evergreen forest tree with leaves like needles

n.1.冷杉木,枞木2.【植】冷杉属 (Abies);枞;松科常绿树(如黄杉等)

abbr.1.(=food-irradiation reactor)食物辐射(杀菌)用反应堆

n.1.a tall tree with thin sharp leaves that do not fall off in winter. It produces large hard brown fruits called cones and can be called a fir or a fir tree.; the wood of a fir tree

abbr.1.(=food-irradiation reactor)

1.有限脉冲响应(Finite Impulse Response) 桦木 birch 冷杉 fir 栎木 oak ...

3.枞树(fir-tree) Unlimited( 无限) FIR( 飞儿乐团) I want to fly( 我要飞) ...


1.I glance up to see an iridescent-green hummingbird hunkered down on a fir branch, sheltered against the Tree's trunk.我抬头看见一只泛着虹彩的绿色蜂鸟栖息在一棵冷杉的枝上,藉树干为它遮挡风雨。

2.The FIR filter has the distinct advantages that it has linear phase characteristics and is always stable for numerical computations.有限冲激响应(FIR)滤波器的优点是具有精确线性相位而且总是稳定的。

3."Look what is sticking to the ugly old fir-tree, " said the child, treading on the branches till they cracked under his boots.「你看粘在这株丑陋的老枞树上的是什么?」那孩子说着就践踏树枝,直到它们在他的靴子底下发出霹哩拍啦的声音。

4.I glance up to see an iridescent-green hummingbird hunkered down a fir branch, sheltered against the tree's trunk.我抬起头,瞥见一只绿莹莹的蜂鸟落在一棵毛榉树枝上,凭借树干避着风雨。

5.Our unit concentrated in the forest and for a few days we had slept on the fir-twigs by the campfire.我们的单位集中在森林中,我们已经在围在冷杉枝点燃的篝火旁度过了好几个夜晚。

6.The Christmas season has officially arrived at the White House in the form of a six-meter balsam fir tree.欢庆圣诞的季节随着一棵6米高的香脂冷杉树的到来已经正式在白宫拉开序幕。

7.He came round the back of the fir tree, and nearly tumbled upon the top of his Cousin Peter.他绕到杉树的后面,差不多要见到他表兄弟彼得的头顶了。

8.around a bit, and as I grew more comfortable in my new shoes, began looking for animal tracks among the fir trees just off the trail.我们转了一会儿,当逐渐适应我的新鞋时,我开始在杉树林中搜寻新鲜的脚印。

9.a very fine stag, with his branching antlers, was placed on the spit, and was slowly turned between the stems of two fir-trees.果真如此,那是一只很棒的公鹿,还带有分叉的鹿角叉在烤肉架子上,在两枞树的树干间慢慢地转着。

10.I'm home now. The weather has turned. The wind is howling through the fir trees on the edge of my bluff.我回到家中,天气变了,风呼啸着穿过断壁边的冷杉林。