


美式发音: [ˌsi si ti ˈvi] 英式发音: [ˌsiː siː tiː ˈviː]





1.闭路电视closed-circuit television

abbr.1.(=closed-circuit television)闭路式电视,工业电视

abbr.1.(=closed-circuit television)

n.1.closed-circuit television

1.中央电视台中央电视台(CCTV)新主楼基础设计中央电视台(CCTV)新主楼基础设计隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 tubx贡献于2010-12-23 贡献 …

2.中国中央电视台  中国中央电视台(CCTV)这周另外又播出了多位消费者的投诉,称宝马汽车公司(BMW AG)、奥迪(Audi)和戴姆勒公司生产的豪华 …


4.央视唯一在央视CCTV)2套、3套、4套、7套及10套上榜品牌健康身体是美的源泉,为美丽与健康提供完美的选择 地区:福田 地 …

5.闭路电视监控系统闭路电视监控系统CCTV)安装施工细节要求及验收标准谁能给我找篇有关澳门回归的文章. 澳门回归的相关资料 现在拉的是 …

6.闭路监控系统监视器是闭路监控系统cctv)组成部分,是监控系统的显示部分,是监控系统的标准输出,有了监视器的显示我们才能观看前 …

7.闭路电视系统 TCC 系统在主指挥中心设置闭路电视系统 (CCTV)。CCTV 系统用于实现TCC 系统对各线 路CCTV 系统的集中监视与控制,系 …


1.After the New Year's Eve dinner with my family, we began to sit down in front of the TV, and enjoyed 2010 CCTV Spring Festival gala.我快乐春节除夕晚宴和家人一起后,我们开始坐下来的电视和喜欢的2010年央视春节盛大的前面。

2.There was no disorder in areas with large Asian populations, including in London; CCTV pictures suggest there were few Asian looters.亚裔人口密集地区没有发生混乱,包括伦敦,闭路监控电视画面也显示亚洲抢劫者极少。

3.The group is aiming to expand into other provinces of China, a move which could make it a rival for CCTV, China's main state broadcaster.该集团意在进军中国其它省份,此举可能会令其成为中国最主要的国有广播电视集团——中央电视台(CCTV)的竞争对手。

4.During the first few days of the Iraq war, it was televised live on CCTV all day long.在伊拉克战争开始的几天,中央电视台对此进行了全天的实况转播。

5.The boy named Bo Huang Yi, is said to watch the news on CCTV at the age of three, seven began to see references.这个名叫黄艺博的少年,据说三岁开始看新闻联播,七岁开始看参考消息。

6.The figures had been circulating previously on China's rumour mill, but the report by CCTV appeared to be an official confirmation.这些巨额数字此前一直以小道传言流传于坊间,但中央电视台的这条报道似乎成为一种官方确认。

7.Former CCTV host Wang Zhi arrived in Lijiang Wednesday and will be appointed vice mayor of the city for a year.央视前主持人王志22日到达丽江,将在此挂职副市长一年。

8.Many residents of the capital have come to see it as a rebuke to CCTV's ambitious plans to modernize its image.许多首都居民都将它视为对CCTV改造自身形象的宏大计划的阻碍。

9.Clementi is about as a few days later in an interview with CCTV cameras rushed to the car and two of our city.几天后金文固然如约带着央视的采访车和两个摄像赶到了我们这个城市。

10.So the non-controversy of the CCTV-as-genitalia Chinese web meme seems to have died down, as these things generally do after three days.中文网页Meme上关于“CCTV大楼象生殖器”不争论的事情,似乎已渐渐平息,这类东西一般三天后就会如此。
