


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:查找表(look-up table);查询表;查表法



na.1.[Computer]Lookup Table

1.查找表(look-up table)较复杂切高成本的高BIT色彩整理驱动芯片,以及内建查色表LUT)和伽马校队(GC)这样两套补偿机制,双管齐下以达到 …


1.I would like to Lut Lut get rid of him, but in the end I found that I'm off faster and faster forward.我想甩呀甩呀的把他甩掉,但最后我发现我越来越快的向前走啦。

2.The word loot itself is an Anglo-Indian word with a root in the Hindi word "lut" .LOOT这个单词本身是英印语,其中包含了北印度语的词根“lut”。

3.The sun again shines on Lut Gholein! I'm beginning to like you, traveler.太阳再次闪耀在鲁.高因。我已经开始喜欢你了,冒险者。

4.A complete set of invariants can be used to judge the equivalence of two states under LUT.一个不变量的完全集合可以用来确定两个态在局部幺正变换下是否是等价的。

5.One approach in dealing with the equivalence of quantum states under LUT is to find the complete set of invariants under LUT.解决这个问题的一个重要且常用的方法是寻找局域幺正变换下的不变量的完全集。

6.Church in Lut her's life played a major role he would attend mass daily and participated by singing in choir and by being an altar boy .教堂在路德的生活中起主导的作用。他每天要参加集会,加入唱诗班,担任祭坛孩童。

7.The revised proposal would also include a few additional fish ponds at Lut Chau for uses including Drainage improvement.计划修订包括将甩洲附近额外几个鱼塘纳入发展范围,预计留作渠务改善等用途。

8.Hysterectomy will sometimes be identified by the patient as the starting point of lower urinary tract (LUT) symptoms.子宫切除术,有时会确定由病人为出发点的下尿路(聿)症状。

9.One of the important questions in quantum information theory is how to judge whether two mixed states are equivalent under LUT.对于给定的两个混合态,如何判定其在局域幺正变换下的等价性是量子信息理论的重要问题之一。

10.The paper describes a LUT method for retrieval of the ground surface reflectance along coast zone and island with MODIS image.提出一种利用MODIS图像,用查找表反演海岸与海岛地物光谱反射率的方法。