


网络释义:债务抵押债券(collaterapzed debt obpgation);担保债务凭证;债务抵押证券


1.债务抵押债券(collaterapzed debt obpgation)提要: 本文系统阐述了国际上新的 资产支持证券品种抵押债务债券CDO) 的起源,抵押债务债券与一般资产支持 证券(AB…


1.This feature led to massive losses and would have done so, according to one CDO investor, even if the housing market had not collapsed.这一特点导致了巨额亏损,而且据一位CDO投资者表示,即便房地产市场没有崩盘,也会如此。

2.The trouble was that Paulson needed buyers of the CDO, in order that it could be a seller.问题在于,保尔森需要CDO的买家,这样它才能成为卖家。

3.Assets were bundled into a pool, securitised, stuffed into a CDO, bits of that plugged into the next CDO and so on and on.资产被组合成池,进行证券化操作,进而被塞进CDO,其中一些还会被投入下一个CDO,并如此往复再往复。

4.He told me with a straight face that these CDOs were the only way to get rid of the riskiest tranches of Subprime debt.他诚实地告诉我,这些夹层CDO是从可转换次级债中剔除风险最高的债券的唯一出路。

5.Defaults haven't been a major problem, but the market values of these CDOs fell sharply over the past year or so.违约还不是很严重的问题,但这类CDO的市值在过去一年左右的时间里急剧缩水。

6.For much of the mortgage boom, Merrill was able to sell the bulk of the CDOs it underwrote to investors all over the world.在抵押贷款业务繁荣兴旺的那段日子,美林能够将它承销的大部分CDO顺利出售给世界各地的投资者。

7.Vertical was not the only example of a CDO constructed by one bank to the apparent benefit of another.除了Vertical以外,由一家银行创建明显有利于另一家银行的CDO案例还有很多。

8.Modern finance is supposed to be all about measuring risks, yet corporate and mortgage-backed CDOs were a leap in the dark.归根结底,现代金融应关乎风险测量。然而,企业与按揭支持CDO却是一次鲁莽的冒险行动。

9.Shockingly, two-thirds of that stemmed from supposedly triple-A CDOs, which by then were deemed to be worth only half of their face value.令人震惊的是,其中三分之二是由所谓的“AAA”级CDO造成的——当时,人们认定这种工具的估值仅为其票面价值的一半。

10.Goldman has even referred to the investors who bought its CDOs as "among the most sophisticated mortgage investors in the world" .高盛甚至将购买其发行的CDO的投资者称为“世界上最成熟的抵押贷款投资者”。