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abbr.(=carcinoembryonic antigen)癌胚抗原

英文单词:癌胚抗原(carcino-embryonic antigen);电子协会;癌胚抗原测定


abbr.1.(=carcinoembryonic antigen)癌胚抗原2.〈美〉(=council of Economic Advisers)(总统)经济顾问委员会3.〈美〉(=Commodity Exchange Authority)(农业部)农产品交易管理局4.(=College English Association)(美国)大学英语协会1.(=carcinoembryonic antigen)癌胚抗原2.〈美〉(=council of Economic Advisers)(总统)经济顾问委员会3.〈美〉(=Commodity Exchange Authority)(农业部)农产品交易管理局4.(=College English Association)(美国)大学英语协会

abbr.1.(=carcinoembryonic antigen)2.<AmE>(=council of Economic Advisers)3.<AmE>(=Commodity Exchange Authority)4.(=College English Association)1.(=carcinoembryonic antigen)2.<AmE>(=council of Economic Advisers)3.<AmE>(=Commodity Exchange Authority)4.(=College English Association)

1.癌胚抗原(carcino-embryonic antigen) chloe bag 2011 Wiki·youtube·…

6.颈动脉内膜剥脱术颈动脉内膜剥脱术CEA)是切除增厚的颈动脉内膜粥样硬化斑块,预防由于斑块脱落引起脑卒中的一种方法,已被证明是防 …

7.法国原子能委员会受法国原子能委员会(CEA)资助在凝聚态物理研究室从事博士后研究工作2005.7-8, 访问香港浸会大学计算机科学系2003.08-1…

8.颈动脉内膜切除术颈动脉内膜切除术( CEA ) 对防治脑栓塞也有一定的疗效。对伴有重度颈动脉狭窄(即狭窄> 70% )者可酌情予CEA,不推荐发 …


1.Check out the WebSphere CEA Feature Pack if you think your Web applications can benefit from enhanced communication and collaboration.如果您认为自己的Web应用程序能够从增强的交流和协作获益,那么就仔细看看WebSphereCEAFeaturePack吧。

2.If part of any CEA's influence comes from the academic prestige of its members and staff, the present council has little to worry about.假若任何CEA的影响力都部分来自于其委员和工作人员的学术声望,那么当下的委员就没什么可担心的了。

3.With the world changing so fast, to . cea. se learnin. g for just a few . days will make a person lag behind.由于世界变化得如此迅速,只要学习停顿数日就能使人落后。

4.Although CEA advice may be authoritative, neither the President nor Congress are obligated under law to implement its recommendations.虽然CEA的建议学术上非常具有权威性,但法律上并没有规定总统和国会必须实施其建议。

5.And, the company must be a participating CEA Member.而且,公司必须参加马术协会会员。

6.Do not breed CEA affected dogs. These dogs and their progeny are not eligible for registration with ABCA at this time.不要使用疾病者进行繁殖,这些犬和他们的后代都将没有ABCA的注册资格。

7.He says the CEA study found that electronics represent three of the top five things on its "holiday gift wish list" this year.他说,消费电子协会研究发现,今年的“节日礼物愿望清单”中人们最想要的五种产品中就有三种是电子产品。

8.But fewer economists agreed with Ms Romer's assertion that the CEA's staff in 2009 was of a calibre not seen since those star-studded days.但是为数更少的经济学家会赞同罗默女士对当前CEA的论断。她断言,2009年的CEA工作人员是自那些名星云集的日子以来未曾见过的高素质人员。

9.The economic impact of CEA recommendations can be far reaching, rippling through the domestic and global economy.CEA的建议对美国和全球经济都有深远影响。

10.Since the DEMETER mission began six years ago, CEA researchers have been helping to analyse the data.自从DEMETER项目在6年前开始,中国地震局的科研人员一直在帮助分析这些数据。