


网络释义:硬膜外自控镇痛(patient conpolled epidural analgesia);自控硬膜外镇痛;病人自控硬膜外镇痛


1.硬膜外自控镇痛(patient conpolled epidural analgesia)硬膜外自控镇痛(PCEA)就是应用麻醉技术对产妇进行镇痛,这是目前临床上安全性较高、使用最普遍、镇痛效果最确切的分娩 …

2.自控硬膜外镇痛术后病人自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA)应用不同配伍镇痛液之间的镇痛效应及并发症不完全一致。本文旨在观察比较曲马多、芬太尼 …

3.病人自控硬膜外镇痛最近有了病人自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA)和可行走的硬膜外镇痛(AEA),此种方法是产妇在锁定时间内按压手边的镇痛泵按钮 …

4.硬膜外病人自控镇痛·硬膜外病人自控镇痛(PCEA)对分娩母婴的影响·奥萨Ⅰ型急救呼吸机在转运重危病人中的应用·危重病人术后意外低温及其并 …

5.术后硬膜外自控镇痛  术后硬膜外自控镇痛(PCEA)的用药配伍为局麻药复合阿片类药物或其它镇痛药如曲马多,设定合理的给药模式和适当的给药 …


1.Conclusions PCEA can decrease the pain of the cystospasm efficiently. . .结论应用PCEA可有效地减少和减轻术后膀胱痉挛痛。

2.Objective Observe the influence of using PCEA on the recovery of postoperative patient with cesarean section.目的观察自控镇痛对剖宫产术后镇痛效果以及患者恢复的影响。

3.Objective To observe the analgesic effects and influential factor of PCEA in 119 postoperative patients of lower pmbs fracture .目的通过对119例下肢骨折手术病例PCEA镇痛效果的观察,了解其影响因素。

4.Objective: To discuss the effectiveness of Doula painless labor combined with PCEA.目的:探讨导乐分娩配合PCEA用于无痛分娩的效果。

5.Conclusion Ropivacaine combined with butorphanol is suitable for PCEA with their good results and less side effects.结论:罗哌卡因复合布托啡诺用于PCEA效果良好,副作用少,具良好临床使用价值。

6.The Munyaka PCEA Camp in the Rift Valley hosts about 3000 residents, and has running water but no storage tanks.在里夫特山谷的MunyakaPCEA营地,现已收容了大约3000人,有自来水,但无蓄水箱。

7.Comparison of analgesic effects of morphine and fentanyl used for PCEA吗啡和芬太尼用于术后镇痛的比较

8.Effect of PCEA with L-bupivacaine after Benign Prostatectomy and its Influence on Spess Response of Circulation左旋布比卡因用于良性前列腺增生摘除术后患者自控硬膜外镇痛效果及循环应激反应的影响

9.Comparison of the Effects and Side-effects of PCEA with Different Combination of Bupivacaine, Morphine and Tramadol曲马多,布比卡因,吗啡不同配伍术后PCEA效果及不良反应比较

10.Cpnical observation of effects and side effects of PCEA and analgesia by injection of Demerol hydrochloride after caesarean operation剖宫产术后持续镇痛与肌注镇痛的效果和不良反应观察更详细。