




1.减排量排项目所产生的减排单位的交易,如清洁发展机制下的“排放减量权证(CERs)”、联合履行机制下的“排放减量单位(ERUs)”,主 …


1.The problem with the sale was that Hungarian firms had already used the CERs to offset their own emissions.问题是,匈牙利出售的碳权是企业用过的,抵消碳排放的许可已失效。

2.Countries can sell the CERs, currently priced at US$5, to help meet their greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.各国可以出售CERs从而帮助实现它们的温室气体减排目标。目前CER的单价是5美元。

3.Has also signed an MOU with Zhong Shui Energy Development Co. Ltd regarding further purchase of CERs from its future projects .公司同时还与中水能源开发有限公司就其未来合作项目中的核证减排量进一步购买事宜签署了备忘录。

4.The CLR prepares CERs in advance to avoid out-of- memory conditions .CLR会事先准备CER以避免出现内存不足的情况。

5.CERs are only issued following verification and certification.CERs只在核查和认证后出具。

6.When this MDA is activated, the pkely symptoms are that CERs are not functional for the bad instantiations.当这个MDA启动时,很可能发生的症状是CER无法在错误的执行个体化中运作。

7.Wind farms, solar programmes and other clean-energy projects are all epgible for CERs.风车田,太阳能方案以及其它清洁能源计划都可以获得注册减排贷款。

8.The issuance of CERs is considered final 15 days after the date of receipt of the request for issuance.在收到签发请求的15天内考虑CERs的签发。

9.Chinese CERs are too cheap and the carbon price is too low and too volatile.中国的CER太过廉价,碳价格太低而且反复无常。

10.Longer-term demand for HFC-23 CERs may fall, too.对HFC-23注册减排的长期需求也许也会下降。