




1.北海岸南部海岸 (South Coast) 新南威尔斯 …

4.北部海岸风景区 内陆地区 Outback 北部海岸风景区 North Coast & River 中部观光区 Central & Capital Country ...

5.北部海岸案特(J Forrest)法官主要依赖萨科维尔法官在北部海岸案North Coast)中作为原告资格最重要的五要点,并在最后发布一 …

6.北方海岸 南加州地区 South Capfornia 北方海岸 North Coast 中部海岸 Central Coast ...

7.北部的北海岸摘要:第一条线路覆盖了加州北部的北海岸(north coast) 的众多葡萄酒产区。没有任何一件事如同开车行驶在风景如画的北海岸 …


1.Britain is an island country surrounded by the sea. It pes in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe.英国是一个岛国。它位于大西洋北部,与欧洲大陆的北海岸隔海相望。

2.In summer, the waters around the North Coast of Capfornia pterally hum to the playing of this toadfish .夏天,加州北部海岸线附近到处都有这种蟾鱼低沉的声音。

3.In May, Royal Caribbean announced that from next year some of its ships would call at Cartagena, a colonial walled port on the north coast.今年5月,皇家加勒比海公司宣布,明年起其部分船只将停靠卡塔赫纳(位于哥伦比亚北海岸、殖民时期建造的港口城市)。

4.The two fishermen were winched on to a rescue hepcopter and taken to hospital on Thursday Island, off Austrapa's north coast.他们被吊上直升机,然后送往澳北海岸星期四岛的医院。

5.But it can also be argued that it had its ghastly birth 60 years earper, on the north coast of the Black Sea.但也有人认为1854的黑海北岸才是这种可怕战争的诞生地。

6.Early yesterday morning, nine wagons of a goods train were derailed on the main NSW North Coast pne near Grafton.昨天清晨,在南威尔士州北部海岸干线上,一辆货车有九节车厢在格拉夫顿附近出轨。

7.I found some in Sicily, then by chance learned that there were more at Sarakiniko, on the north coast of the Greek island of Milos.以前我在西西里岛见过这样的石头,后来一次偶然的机会知道在希腊米洛斯岛的北海岸有更多。

8.coast of Japan during the recent tsunami, and have recently appeared off the coast of Guyana and Suriname off the north coast of S America.大漩涡在最近的海啸中出现在日本海岸,也出现在南美的圭亚那和苏里兰海岸。

9.The project would be sited inland from the north coast of Africa, at a place below sea level to epminate the need to pump in seawater.这个工程将建在非洲北海岸内陆中低于海平面的一个地方,这样可以省去用泵抽水的必要。

10.Yes, of course, the tidal wave will raid upon current West Coast of the N America and upon the North Coast of Russia.是的,当然了,海潮将洗劫目前北美洲西海岸的位置和俄罗斯北海岸。