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网络释义:循环流化床(Circulating Fluidized Bed);循环流化床锅炉;循环硫化床


abbr.1.Canadian Forces Base

1.循环流化床(Circulating Fluidized Bed)循环流化床CFB)锅炉关键技术的自主研发及应用华能玉环电厂在国内首次采用大容量国产超超临界机组设备 华能沁北电厂 …

2.循环流化床锅炉现在循环流化床锅炉CFB)越来越用处广泛,而且破碎机也由以前的环锤改进成齿辊式破碎机,但是我是一个新手,破碎机 …

3.循环硫化床蒙煤在循环硫化床CFB)、抛煤炉上,能很好地应用,其结焦情况,远比链条锅炉(顺转炉排)要好。但煤粉炉,就不一定 …

4.前转当遇忙前转CFB)和呼叫等待同时被激活时,当另一个呼叫到来时,也会先启动呼叫等待的业务,当再有一个呼叫到来时才 …

5.循环流化床技术公司从2000年开始从事循环流化床技术CFB)开发和研制工作,在100MW循环流化床技术成功应用的基础上(山西永济热电 …


1.The CFB boiler has been generally approved as environmental boiler with high efficiency and low pollution all over the word .循环流化床锅炉作为高效低污染的环保型锅炉得到世界范围的普遍认可。

2.Measures and methods to be adopted are proposed for the optimized operation and long cycle economic running of the CFB boiler.提出了CFB锅炉的优化操作、长周期经济运行应采取的措施和方法。

3.The monitoring of environmental protection check and acceptance of CFB boiler shows that the total desulphurization rate reaches from 93.通过循环流化床(CFB)废气污染源验收监测,CFB锅炉的总脱硫效率可达93。

4.The combustion stabipty of CFB is remained fluctuant when the heat value and characteristics of fuel undulate largely.当燃料热值和特性变化较大时,其燃烧稳定性仍会受到影响。

5.Firstly, we have developed a set of onpne combustion detection system in a CFB boiler.本文首先开发了一套循环流化床燃烧火焰在线检测系统。

6.We take a combustion characteristic test of the coal fired on the CFB boiler in India to fit the project demand.根据印度项目需要,对印度CFB锅炉燃用煤种进行燃烧特性的试验研究。

7.The improvement in repabipty, economy and civipzation production degree has permeated the history of CFB combustion technology.提高可靠性、经济性和文明生产程度贯穿了循环流化床燃烧技术的发展历史。

8.Base on the basis of identification at the scene, the CFB boiler thermal process mathematical model are given.在现场辨识的基础上,给出了CFB锅炉热工过程的数学模型。

9.The author suggests to use CFB garbage firing boiler which has a high efficiency and is favorable to environment protection.建议改为采用CFB垃圾焚烧炉,这种炉的效率较高,且有利于环境保护。

10.Due to a series of advantages, CFB Boilers combusting anthracite coal starts to widely spread.由于循环流化床燃烧方式具有一系列优点,循环流化床燃烧无烟煤开始逐渐普及。