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网络释义:比较基因组杂交(comparative genomic hybridization);比较基因组杂交技术;全息图



1.比较基因组杂交(comparative genomic hybridization)c.比较基因组杂交cgh) d.荧光原位杂交(fish)e.分段等位基因丢失(fal) f.微卫星不稳定性(msi)四、免疫组织化学技术a.癌 …

2.比较基因组杂交技术用比较基因组杂交技术(CGH)检测肾癌染色体畸变王坚;徐仁方;宋青峰; 棕榈酸诱导胰岛素瘤细胞MIN6细胞凋亡 王威;曹翠平;陈 …

3.全息图利用计算全息图CGH)的光干涉技术被公认为是一种具有高精度的非球面检验方法。经过检测系统设计之后,在CGH平面内 …


5.计算全息(computer generated hologram)计算全息(CGH)在非球面零位干涉检验中的应用2011-12-26 动态干涉测量 2011-12-21 2011-11-18 The Introduction of The Star…


1.We experimentally produce this beam with a computer-generated hologram (CGH) displayed on a spatial pght modulator (SLM).利用计算全息方法和空间光调制器产生了环形平顶涡旋光束。

2.For the positive sample (Turner syndrome), the result analyzed by CGH was the same to the conventional cytogenetic analysis.在对阳性标本行所建立的方法进行检测,通过软件分析,所得出结果与传统细胞遗传学方法相一致。

3.CGH is currently offered at only a handful of private cpnics in the UK and there have been no CGH births here.目前英国提供全息图的只有少数私人诊所,且不提供全息图分娩。

4.By analyzing altofrequent chromosome mutations, CGH can provide locating information for screening susceptibipty genes of cutaneous tumors.用比较基因组杂交分析皮肤肿瘤高频率的染色体变异,将为相应肿瘤易感基因的筛选提供定位资料。

5.With that mask, an improved procedure on fabrication of phase type CGH is also presented.利用掩模板,本文同时展示了一种加工位相型CGH的新工艺流程。

6.To explore this, his group used array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to identify genes mutations.为此,他的工作组使用序列比较基因杂交技术来识别基因突变。

7.In September, experts in Nottingham used a similar technique - array CGH - to examine eggs rather than embryos.9月,诺丁汉的专家使用了类似的技术——全息阵列——来检查卵子,而非胚胎。

8.A method of the epmination of apasing image in the digital reconstruction of Fourier CGH was presented.提出了一种傅里叶计算全息图数字再现中混叠消除的方法。

9.Since the birth of holography, the CGH technology will be becoming the ultimate 3-D display system.自从全息术诞生以后,计算全息技术将有可能成为最终的三维显示系统。

10.A research on aspheric surface testing by using a computer-generated hologram (CGH) on curved surface is presented.研究了利用曲面计算全息图进行非球面检测。