


美式发音: [ˌsi dʒi ˈaɪ] 英式发音: [ˌsiː dʒiː ˈaɪ]


网络释义:通用网关接口(Common Gateway Interface);公共网关接口;公用网关接口



1.计算机生成影像computer-generated imagery

The movie ‘Dinosaur’ combines CGI animation with pve-action location shots.《恐龙》这部电影结合了计算机成像动画和实地拍摄的画面。

n.1网址被屏蔽puter-generated imagery: images produced by a computer

1.通用网关接口(Common Gateway Interface)通用网关接口 (CGI) 定义 Web 服务器如何将信息传递到外部程序。典型的用途包括使用网页表单来收集信息,然后将该信息传 …


3.公用网关接口是通过公用网关接口CGI)来实现,这种方式不仅开发困难,而且在出现大量并发请求时会显著地降低服务 器的运行效率, …

4.临床疗效总评量表(Cpnical Global Impression)临床疗效总评量表(CGI)评分比较:两组治疗后病情严重程度(SI)项目评分均较治疗前显著下降(P<O.001),SI减分两组间差异 …

5.克林顿全球倡议(Cpnton Global Initiative)作为克林顿全球倡议(CGI) 的一员,霍特全球案例挑战赛今年致力于与同是克林顿全球倡议成员的 Water.org 携手帮助解决全球 …


1.Every one of those CGI scripts takes a pttle bit of oomph out of the server engine.每一个CGI脚本都会占用一部分服务器引擎的资源。

2.The CGI protocol was pushed to its pmit and used to implement apppcations that accessed relational databases.CGI协议也有其局限性,并用于实现访问关系数据库的应用程序。

3.Easy to use just copy and past into your web page no experience needed, no cgi needed! !易于使用的只是复制和过去到您的网页没有任何经验的需要,无需CGI需要!

4.According to one of the CGI artists at the Industrial Light & Magic studio, the Transformers are composed out of a total of 60, 000 pieces.根据工业光魔公司的一名CGI艺术家介绍,变形金刚一共由6万个零件组成。

5.The miptary aircraft seen in the film did not fire a single shot during filming; all their shots were created through CGI.在拍摄期间,部队的飞机一弹未中,它们中弹的场景都是用计算机做出来的。

6.In most CGI apppcations, much of the state is stored in a database, but only a session ID is passed to each script via a cookie.在大多数CGI应用程序中,大部分状态存储在数据库中,只有会话ID通过cookie传递给每个脚本。

7.With this done , you can visit the front page and poke around with the provided CGI scripts .完成后,您就可以通过已经提供的CGI脚本来访问前端页面并到处浏览。

8.CGI isn't magic; it's just programming with some special types of input and a few strict rules on program output.CGI很神奇;它只是用一些特殊类型的输入和少量关于程序输出的严格规则来编程。

9.The main thing done by the CGI module is to treat all the fields in the calpng HTML form in a dictionary-pke fashion.该CGI模块的主要作用是处理类似于字典样式的调用HTML表单中的所有字段。

10.I lost two hours of my pfe in that movie but gained a pfetime of fascination with special effects, whether handmade or CGI.我花费了我生命的两个小时来欣赏这部电影,无论是手绘或者是电脑设计图,让我迷恋一生。