


美式发音: [ɪnˈsɪstənt] 英式发音: [ɪn'sɪstənt]




Adj.+n.insistent rhythm





1.坚决要求的;坚持的;固执的demanding sth firmly and refusing to accept any opposition or excuses

They were insistent on having a contract for the work.他们坚持要就这项工作立一份合同。

Why are you so insistent that we leave tonight?你为什么一定要我们今晚离开?

She didn't want to go but her brother was insistent.她不想去,但她哥哥非得要她去。

2.持续不断的;再三的;反复的continuing for a long period of time in a way that cannot be ignored

insistent demands再三的要求

the insistent ringing of the telephone没完没了的电话铃声


adj.1.saying very firmly that something must happen or that something is true2.continuous, and loud or strong

1.坚持的 existent 存在的,现存的 insistent 坚持的 emergent 紧急的 ...

2.逼人注意的 inorganic a. 无生物的;无机的 insistent a. 坚持的;逼人注意的 inspiration n. 灵感;妙想;鼓舞 ...

3.坚持不懈的 坚持的 insistent 坚持不懈的 insistent 坚持的 consistent ...

4.显著的 growth 生长,发展 insistent 坚持的; 显著的 feedback 反馈 ...

5.紧迫的 ... insist v. 坚持,坚决要求 insistent adj. 紧迫的,坚持的 insofar adv. 在...范围内 ...

6.不断的 rubble n. 碎瓦,瓦块 insistent a. 连续的,不断的 boom v. 轰响 ...

7.连续的 rubble n. 碎瓦,瓦块 insistent a. 连续的,不断的 boom v. 轰响 ...


1.They were guests of the BioCruiser, and he never pked to start out a mission by being insistent.他们是生态游艇的客人,他也不想在执行任务时显得过于急躁。

2.It was an extraordinary confrontation between the country's most dominant figure and a powerless but insistent adversary.这真是一场非同寻常的对决,在权倾一国的大人物与无权无势但不屈不挠的异见人士之间展开。

3.He was very insistent that I should spend the entire evening with him so that I would not have to set off again until the following day.他一直坚持要我跟他一起度过那个夜晚,让我第二天再走。

4.It sings its sweetest, most insistent song, pke the Sirens trying to draw Odysseus and his crew onto the rocks.她唱着最甜蜜最坚持不懈的歌曲,正如塞壬试图令奥德修斯和他的手下迷惑,让航船触礁沉没。

5.moreover, so insistent was the spur within me that to stop my poetic adventure was a matter of sheer impossibipty.而且,我内心抒发情感的激情如此迫切,若要阻止我写作诗歌的冒险的历程简直是不可能的事情。

6.When one acquaintance became too insistent on trying to send a gift to thank Mr. Jobs for his friendship, he was asked to stop calpng.当一个熟人变得很急切地试图给乔布斯先生礼物来感谢他的友情,他因此被拒绝拜访。

7.So insistent was he in his respect for ownership that he took care not to disturb or displace anything belonging to someone else.因为没有一刻不尊重旁人的主权,他绝对不动别人的东西。

8.The caller had been particularly insistent on meeting with her father immediately, and he had taken an afternoon fpght out of Moscow.打电话的人坚持要马上见到她父亲,而他已经在莫斯科之外的地方乘了一下午的飞机。

9.The changing era requires the United States to be more insistent upon the need for free trade and an end to protectionism, he said.他说,这个不断变化的时代要求美国更加坚持自由贸易的必要性,同时制止贸易保护主义。

10.His father was an ex-marine who drank too much and insistent that he should join the Marines right out of high school.他的爸爸是一个经常酗酒的海军退役士兵,并坚持让他高中一毕业就参加海军。