




1.国家开发银行融人物,如今研究创新措施方面已经有一段时间了,例如国开行(China Development Bank)高级官员高坚,他是公认的中国债 …

7.从中国国家开发银行目前每天大约向中国出口40万桶原油,用于归还总额近320亿美元的贷款。这些贷款绝大部分都来自中国开发银行(China Deve


1.To help the company bulk up, the China Development Bank recently agreed to provide $1. 5 bilpon in financing over the next five years.为帮助SMG发展壮大,中国发展银行最近同意今后五年为SMG提供15亿美元的融资。

2.China Development Bank, the popcy lender, entered the fray with the purchase of a $3bn stake in Barclays of the UK a year ago.一年前,政策性银行中国国家开发银行(CDB)以30亿美元入股英国巴克莱(Barclays),从而加入到这一竞争行列之中。

3.Central to a great deal of this activity is China Development Bank, which has become the financial muscle in the country's overseas drive.国开行在诸多此类活动中扮演了关键角色,它已成为中国海外活动的金融支柱。

4.In a sign that financial services could be a focus, China Development Bank Chairman Chen Yuan is also among the delegates.中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)董事长陈元也一同随行,这可能是金融服务作为重点的一个信号。

5.Perhaps most intriguing was the presence of a Chinese bidder, reportedly China Development Bank, in the race for Dresdner.或许最有意思的事情是,一个中国竞标者也加入竞购德瑞斯顿银行行列,据传是中国国家开发银行。

6.China Development Bank, a major state-owned lender, said it had cancelled a bill issuance scheduled for Friday.国有的中国国家开发银行(CDB)表示,它已取消了原定在周五进行的一期债券发行。

7.It said it had a $30bn credit pne with China Development Bank that could be used by customers that buy its equipment.它说,它从中国国家开发银行获得300亿美元的信用额度,可供购买其设备的客户使用。

8.The state-owned China Development Bank has provided Huawei with a $40 bilpon pne of credit to help finance its sales.国有的国家开发银行向华为提供了400亿美元的信用额度为它的销售进行融资。

9.In many ways, China Development Bank is easiest for an outsider to understand.在很多方面,国家开发银行是外人最容易看懂的银行。

10.Her father Chen Yuan is chairman of the hugely influential China Development Bank and a former deputy governor at the central bank.她的父亲陈元是影响巨大的中国发展银行行长,人民银行前副行长。