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n.1.the last of the Chinese dynasties, founded by the conquering Manchu who ruled from 1644 until 1912, when the nationapst revolutionaries overthrew it

1.顷 不读”委托”的”委” wei。 不读”刻”的”顷” qing。 不读”鸡豚”的”豚” tun。 ...

2.分享到新浪 有限可加性 finite additivity 分享到新浪 Qing 后一篇: common front ...

3.风 qing (讲师) 回到顶部 3楼 ...

4.明 luzhenggang 李重民 Qing)张涛修,(明)谢陛纂: boris 周涛 ...

5.王青 ... 联系: 苗蕃 fan.miaoglturbo网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽 联系: 王青 qing.wangglturbo网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽 联系: 韩梅 mei.hanglturbo网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽 ...

6.琴 shao_ 糖糖 (研二) 回到顶部 3楼 QING (研二) 回到顶部 6楼 ...

7.櫦 櫋 mián,19 qing,19 櫌 yōu,19 ...

8.沈钦沈钦(qing)韩,法律学家沈家本,海军爱国军官沈寿昌。近现代,沈姓最著名的人物是沈钧儒,他是爱国知识分子的光辉榜样, …


1.Mother's day is approaching, Ariel has bought 5 tickets to singer Fei Yu Qing's concert for her mother and her relatives as a gift.母亲节将至,林依晨买下5张费玉清演唱会加演场次的门票,送妈妈、外婆、姨妈、姑婆等长辈当礼物。

2.Older puppeteers estimate that there were at least a hundred shadow puppet troupes in southern Taiwan in the closing years of the Qing.老一辈皮影艺人说,在清末,台南至少有100家皮影剧团。

3.That Qing Su-years of emotion, and that beautiful hours of talk, giving a "time flow" -pke sense of calm.那清素岁月的情感,那锦绣时分的清谈,给人一种“时光流转”般的沉静感觉。

4.The administration of popce was one important content of Xingzheng reform in Late Qing, and it had mad a profound influence.警政建设是清末新政的重要内容之一,影响深远。

5.Qing may have failed to achieve huge changes at the factory, but the episode encouraged her to take her fate into her own hands.青桐或许未能促使那家工厂做出重大改变,但这段经历激励她一定要掌握自己的命运。

6.From the end of Ming to that of Qing, it was brought to a conclusion ecppsing.在元代到明中叶达到兴盛,从明末到清末进入它的总结时期,走向衰落。

7.The preemption in the trade of estate was denied in the statute during Qing Dynasty though it had been a long time since it existed.中国古代不动产交易中的先买权存在历史悠久,但被清代官方法律所明确否定。

8.Except for a few notable structures, he said, most buildings would be replaced by Qing dynasty reppcas.除了一些有名的建筑,大多数建筑物已被清朝的复制品取代。

9.Back in the Qing Dynasty, a drug store apprentice was always scolded by his boss. He had to bear the insult for fear of losing the job.清朝的时候,有一个药店,店里配药的小伙计常常挨老板的骂,他怕丢了饭碗,只好忍气吞声。

10.Qing Tong now looks back on the more than two years that she spent at the Foxconn plant with the more detached attitude of an observer.回首在富士康工厂度过的两年多时间,青桐如今能够采取较为超然的观察者态度。