


美式发音: [ˈkoʊdə] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊdə]



复数:codas  同义词反义词





1.(乐曲的)后奏,尾声;结尾乐段the final passage of a piece of music

The final two months were a miserable coda to the President's first period in office.总统首届任期的最后两个月非常糟糕。


n.1.the final section of a long piece of music2.the final part of a piece of writing or a speech that acts as a summary3.something that happens at the end of a series of events

1.尾声 prologue 序幕 coda 尾声 episode 情节中的插曲 ...

2.结尾 coffee n. 咖啡,咖啡茶;咖啡色 coda n. 终结句,乐章结尾部,完结部 cocoa cmeravt. 可可,可可粉,可可饮 …

4.音节尾 clipping 截短法 coda 音节尾 code-mixing 语码混合 ...

5.尾奏尾奏coda)中,钢琴重复那段引进再 现部的乐句,而结束了这一乐章。俄罗斯文化史期中报告俄罗斯文化史期中报 告普罗高 …

6.韵尾所以我在我本文提到韵尾(coda)那段时所述的一个条件:「仅需稍加导引, 就特别在适应英语很多带这种尾音的音节组合上, 更 …

7.Collection of Open Digital ArchivesThe Caltech Collection of Open Digital Archives (CODA) 作者:佚名 数据库来源:本站原创 点击数:3755 更新时间:2009-4-…

8.科达另一家电池制造商科达(Coda)曾做过尝试,但因过时的设计和高价格而失败。AutoTrends Consulting的乔•菲利皮(Joe Phillippi) …


1.To my parents and their friends, the Yugoslav motel was an unquestioned paradise, a lucky coda to a set of difficult lives.对于我们父母和他们的好友而言,这家南斯拉夫人开办的汽车旅店无疑是人间天堂,在走过一段艰辛的人生之后,可在此歇息喘气,不失为一幸。

2.Together with Lishen, Coda eventually hopes to eventually start producing the advanced batteries in the U. S. as well.连同Lishen,尾波最终希望最终开始生产先进的电池在美国以及。

3.Kevin Czinger, Coda's CEO, said he hopes to have sold 14, 000 of the all-electric cars in California by the end of 2011.Coda首席执行长辛格(KevinCzinger)说,他希望2011年底前能在加州销售1.4万辆这种全电动汽车。

4.As a coda, Mr Horowitz compares the experiences of Thomas Mann and Vladimir Nabokov in the United States.在书的完结部分,贺乐维兹比较了托马斯马恩和弗拉基尔纳博科夫在美国的经历。

5.Although the company is Santa-Monica based, the Coda all-electric sedan would be manufactured primarily in China.虽然这家公司总部位于圣莫尼卡,但柯达的全电动轿车将主要在中国生产。

6.And Coda Automotive, which hopes to begin selling an electric car this year, also said it would put the owner's manual on the iPad.同时,希望本年度开始销售电动车的Coda汽车公司也同样表示将用户手册置于iPad上。

7.Still, it was a happy coda to a difficult week for US debt markets.尽管如此,它仍为美国债市艰难的一周画上了愉快的句号。

8.I have hated deeply bulb of lily this kind of plant since this minute, it represents lies, from start into a coda.我从这一分钟开始恨透百合这种植物,它代表谎言,由开始至结尾。

9.Coda Automotive Coda Automotive is a content-heavy site, which means balance and organization is essential to site usability.这个网站内容很多,因此平衡性和组织性是至关重要的。

10.Mr. Czinger said Coda will be the controlling shareholder of the battery-production venture in Ohio.辛格说,Coda将是在俄亥俄州所设电池生产厂的控股股东。