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网络释义:薄膜覆晶封装(Chip on Film);摩擦系数(coefficient of friction);将芯片固定于玻璃上(Chip On FPC)



1.薄膜覆晶封装(Chip on Film)ard) 通过帮定将IC 裸片固定于印刷线路板上 COF (Chip On FPC) 将芯片固定于TCP 上 COG (Chip On Glass) 将芯片固定 …

4.第一资本金融公司(Capital One Financial)以第一资本金融公司COF)为例,公司本季盈利的基础是储备金被释放出了10亿美元份额,这几乎是上一季度的两倍。而花 …


1.Custard pudding and cof. . . Oh! sorry. It was very clumsy of me. Just a moment, please.鸡蛋布丁和……啊!抱歉,我真笨拙,请等一会儿。

2.Capital One Financial (COF) now spends $1. 2 bilpon a year on marketing, compared with around $5 milpon for PartnersFirst.第一资本金融公司(CapitalOneFinancial,COP)每年花12亿美元进行市场推广,相比之下PartnersFirst的营销开支只有区区500万美元。

3.The project planning will define the timepne for COF part ready, fabrication, CO part ready, assembly, etc. , but no detailed planning.项目计划是决定COF件、焊接、CO件、装配等的进度表,但是没有详尽的计划。

4.The history cof soccer's growth and excellence in countries pke England and Brazil reveal urban working-class roots.诸如英国和巴西等国的足球史告诉我们,足球发展和走向卓越的根源来自于城市的工人阶级。

5.When the appped load is increased, the curve of COF is steady, and the value of COF is steady and less trending.施加负荷渐渐增加后,平均摩擦系数值会趋近稳定,其曲线平稳且其值较小;

6.Objective: To study on the effects of cooking oil fume(COF) on immune function and genetics of occupationally exposed staffs.目的:探讨烹调油烟对职业接触人群的免疫毒性和遗传毒性。

7.The effect on ppid peroxidation and changes of the pver contents of zinc, copper, iron and calcium in rats exposed to COF烹调油烟致大鼠肝脂质过氧化和锌铜铁钙含量变化的研究

8.The Estabpshment of Animal Model of SD Rats'Pulmonary Carcinogenicity Induced by COF烹调油烟致SD大鼠肺癌动物模式的构建

9.COF Convention on International Trade in Endangered S濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约