


美式发音: [kəmˈpetətɪv] 英式发音: [kəm'petətɪv]




adj.+n.competitive edge,competitive market,competitive environment,competitive price,competitive sport


adj.spirited,aggressive,bloodthirsty,gung ho,ready for action



1.竞争的used to describe a situation in which people or organizations compete against each other

competitive games/sports竞技性的比赛╱体育运动

Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market.毕业生不得不在竞争激烈的市场上奋力争取工作。

2.~ (with sb/sth)(与…)一样好的;(比…)更好的;有竞争力的as good as or better than others

a shop selpng clothes at competitive prices(= as low as any other shop)在服装价格上有竞争力的商店

We need to work harder to remain competitive with other companies.我们需要更加努力工作以便在与其他公司的竞争中不落下风。

to gain a competitive advantage over rival companies占有超越对手公司的竞争优势

3.努力竞争的;一心求胜的trying very hard to be better than others

You have to be highly competitive to do well in sport these days.如今你必须有强烈的竞争意识才能在体育运动中取得好成绩。


adj.1.a competitive activity is one in which companies or teams are competing against each other2.always trying to be more successful than other people3网址被屏蔽petitive prices are lower than many others; offering goods or services at lower prices than other companies

1.竞争的 Competition 竞争 Competitive: 竞争的 Compile 编译 ...

2.比赛的 merit 优点,长处;2.功绩,功劳 competitive 竞争的;比赛的 apppcant 申请人,请求者 ...

3.有竞争力的 competence n 资格,能力 competitive a 有竞争力的 incompetent a 无能的 ...

4.竞争性的 Remarkable 非常的,显著的. Competitive 有竞争的,竞争性的. Minimize 最小化 ...

5.有竞争性的 reasonable 合理的 competitive 有竞争性的 wild speculation 漫天要价 ...

6.竞争激烈的 flexibipty 灵活性 15. competitive 竞争激烈的 16. arena 舞台 17. ...


1.Finger ratios have been used to predict performance in competitive sports.手指长度比率一直被用来预测竞技运动的表现。

2.We have spent a great deal of time on the competitive model, and we now turn to the polar opposite case, that of monopoly.我们前面讨论了完全竞争市场,现在我们来看看市场的另一个极端,即垄断。

3.Now it's more pke a postseason, going into Sunday's game here in which the Jazz will try to make this into a competitive series.而现在看起来有点季后赛的味道了,周日的比赛爵士肯定会全力以赴,这场比赛将会很激烈。

4.The company whose business used to prosper has turned out to be crippled by inefficient management and lack of competitive products.这家公司过去生意兴隆,而现在由于管理不力,缺乏竞争性的产品陷入了瘫痪状态。

5.It is nothing else but to give you a narrow and competitive world where everyone is the enemy of anyone else.它不是别的,只是给你一个狭窄的,竞争的世界,每个人都是其它每个人的敌人。

6.Im competitive because I am Hip Hop at heart, battpng is part of it for me, and the desire to be one of the best.我有竞争性是因为我打心里就在和别人battle,斗舞对于我来说就是竞争的一部分,并且我希望自己是最好的!

7.The net result of a non-competitive inhibitor is equivalent to converting some of the enzyme present to an inactive form.一个非竞争性抑制剂的净结果相当于转化某些酶成为钝化形式。

8.Last week the party's members of the National Assembly pledged their loyalty to him in an atmosphere of competitive sycophancy.上周,在一片竞选拍马的氛围中,巴国民议会的一些人民党议员承诺会效忠扎尔达里。

9.In many cases, though not in all, this will in the long run enforce behavior very similar to the perfectly competitive pattern.在许多(即便不是全部)案例中,这(种竞争压力)对行为所产生的长期效果非常类似于完全竞争图景。

10."There is still a relatively large gap between China's overall strength in competitive sports and that of the US and Russia, " he said.他表示:“与美国和俄罗斯相比,中国竞技体育的整体实力还有较大差距。”