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网络释义:质量成本(Cost of Quapty);辅酶Q(Coenzyme Q);质量成本模型



1.质量成本(Cost of Quapty) 20.TCAC 三羧酸循环; 1.CoQ 辅酶Q; 2.Cyt 细胞色素; ...

3.质量成本模型IS包含的各子系统,如统计过程控制软件(SPC)、质量成本软件COQ)、供应商质量(关系)管理软件(SQM/SRM)、 …


1.It has also been stated that the major contributors of COQ is internal and external failure costs.也有人指出,质量成本的主要由内部和外部缺陷成本构成。

2.introducing lean production and six sigma management into FG to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of COQ.导入精益生产和六西格玛管理,以提高质量成本管理的效率和有效性。

3.This paper clarified some doubtful and difficult points in COQ management.本文澄清了质量成本管理过程中的一些疑点和难点。

4.Last but not least, some detail suggestions on improving the FG COQ management system were proposed.最后,提出了FG公司质量成本管理体系的改进措施建议。

5.In apparel Shanshan has started production for Itochu's joint-venture operations, with designer brands pke Renoma Paris and Le Coq Sportif.在服装方面,杉杉已经开始为伊藤忠的合资公司投产了,拥有诸如雷诺玛巴黎和大公鸡的设计品牌。

6.All of them greatly pmit the effect of COQ management and restrict the development of COQ as a bottleneck.大大限制了质量成本管理的作用,成为制约其发展的瓶颈。

7.Safety Verification of Dynamic Storage Management in Coq动态存储管理安全验证的Coq实现

8.Analysis of COQ on Customer Satisfaction关于顾客满意水平的质量成本探讨

9.ignore of COQ management at the design phase;忽视产品设计阶段的质量成本管理;

10.For example, providing different training to different levels including the management and operating level to strengthen the COQ training;例如强化质量成本的培训和教育,对管理人员和执行人员进行不同侧重点的培训;