


美式发音: [ˈskwaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈskwaɪə(r)]




复数:squires  同义词反义词





1.(旧时英格兰的)乡绅,大地主(in the past in England) a man of high social status who owned most of the land in a particular country area

2.(informal)(男子对另一男子的友好称呼)先生used by a man as a friendly way of addressing another man

What can I get you, Squire?您要点什么,先生?

3.(旧时骑士的)扈从(in the past) a young man who was an assistant to a knight before becoming a knight himself



n.1.a man who owned land in England in the past and had high status in the local area; a young man in the Middle Ages who worked for a knighta man who rode a horse when fighting2网站屏蔽ed for talking to a man

1.侍从 squeeze 压扁 squire 乡绅 squirrel 松鼠 ...

3.护卫 步兵 Footman 护卫 Squire 狮鹫 Griffin ...

4.骑士的扈从 spur n. 刺激物 squire n. 乡绅,大地主,治安官 stagger vi. 摇晃;蹒跚 ...

6.斯奎尔 Paladin“ 圣骑士”,原为 Squire随从骑士”,下级骑士的称号,或指骑士的随从。 ...


1.nay , repped the squire , hands was one of mine . i did think i could have trusted hands , added the captain.“也不尽然,”乡绅答道,“汉兹就是我自己挑选出来的人手中的一个。”

2.I can only read and write; and there ain't a richer man in the place, not excepting Squire Morrison, with all his learnt notions.我会读也会写,但在这个地方没有一个稍微有点钱的人,包括乡绅莫里松,是因为他的学识而变富有的。

3.If she had her way she never would, speak to Squire Hopkins again, nor to his wife, either.如果她有她的方式,她永远不会,说话翰霍普金斯再次,也不是他的妻子,或者。

4.Captain, 'said the squire when I'd finished, ' you were right, and I was wrong. '“船长,”我讲完后乡绅说,“你是对的,我错了。”

5.Perhaps, sir, you don't pke the ship? ' said the squire, angrily.“也许,先生,您不喜欢这条船?”乡绅不高兴地问道。

6.'Heard of him! ' cried the squire. 'He was the worst pirate that ever sailed. The Spanish used to tremble just to hear his name! '“怎么没听说过?!”乡绅大声说。“他是有史以来最残暴的一个海盗。西班牙人听到他的名字就发抖。”

7.And, now I come to think of it, I might as well ride round there myself and report to him or squire.我现在想起来了,我应该亲自去他家,向他或乡绅报告这件事。

8.Silver, yes, ' said the squire, ' but the captain acts neither pke a man, nor a good seaman! '“西尔弗,没错,”乡绅说。“至于船长,他根本不像个男人,更不像一个好海员!”

9.pork , powder , and biscuit was the cargo , with only a musket and a cutlass apiece for the squire and me and red ruth and the captain.这回装的是猪肉火药和面包干,此外,只为乡绅我雷卓斯以及船长每个人各带了一支火枪和一柄弯刀。

10.Squire and Gray fired again and yet again; three men fell, one forwards into the enclosure, two back on the outside.乡绅和格雷一次又一次开枪,有三个海盗倒了下去———个向前跌进了栅栏内,另外两个向后倒在了栅栏外面。