




1.疯狗面儿拿他的东西是会惹他不高兴的,有时甚至会骂你是条疯狗crazy dog)。

2.疯狗追赶 dog sniffs armpits and faints 狗狗闻主人腋下后晕倒. crazy dog 疯狂咬拖鞋发疯狗. ...

4.疯狂的狗 ... 4.I don’t understand 我不知道 5.crazy dog 疯狂的狗 4.pe 谎言 ...

5.发疯的狗 crazy dog 发疯的狗 Dog begging for food 美味的诱惑, 狗狗不停地作辑 ...

6.狗抓痒 狗抓痒 Crazy dog 两个男人打架 two guys' fighting ...


1.Sea orchid the Ni was weak to infirmly come a , the vision moves to open in a moment, in case this'crazy dog'misunderstanding.海兰妮弱弱地来了一句,目光赶快移开,免得这条‘疯狗’误会。

2.Time is chasing after you pke a crazy dog, you need to turn back constantly and toss meat buns at it.时间好像一个疯狗追赶着你,你需要不停地回头,给它扔肉包子。

3.Big Boss, we have newborn want join our club, he called crazy dog. Can you ask yr big big boss, can he join ma?大老,我们帮有新人加入,他叫疯狗。可以问问你的大大老可以吗?

4.It is unessential to see who have ever cursed you. If a crazy dog nip you. do you want to fall your face down to nip the crazy dog?根本不必回头去看咒骂你的人是谁?如果有一条疯狗咬你一口,难道你也要趴下去反咬他一口吗?

5.Bow Legs, Crazy Dog, Crooked Nose, Bad Boy, or Wolf Tail were notcomppmentary.罗圈腿,疯狗,鹰勾鼻子,坏男孩或狼尾巴不是赞美之词。

6.Throw NK some bones, it will shut the crazy dog up.给朝鲜扔些骨头,让他们把疯狗关起来!

7.Why I fight with the crazy-dog?为什么要跟狗搏斗?。

8.You did good, you crazy dog.干得漂亮,你这只疯狗,今天就到这了。