


网络释义:国家气象中心(National Meteorological Center);香港兆邦洋行;兆邦洋行(Nanma Manufacturing Co.)


1.国家气象中心(National Meteorological Center)中国国家气象中心NMC)推出一套三级颜色编码天气警报系统,提醒公众注意烟雾污染的严重性。这个系统用黄色表示中等 …

2.香港兆邦洋行香港兆邦洋行nmc)历史悠久 产品拥有30年历史:经历物理治疗器、成人性玩具、成人日用品、成人时尚用品四个演变阶段 …

3.兆邦洋行(Nanma Manufacturing Co.)  兆邦洋行(nmc)为美国cen(capfornia exotig novelties)与美国dj(doc johnson)的大中华区总代。K2NRYTG69P3RH2FYWBB2APA…

4.助产士协会  英国护士和助产士协会NMC)是英国国家医疗总局(NHS)辖下负责全英护理工作人员的从业行为和医疗服务质量的专门管 …



1.The NMC said the strongest cold front this week would hit most parts of the country from December 20 to 23.国家气象中心预报本周最强的冷空气前锋将会在十二月20-23日袭击全国大部。

2.Apart from the apppcation form that you complete yourself, all NMC forms must be officially completed, signed and stamped.除了申请表格由你自己完成,其他的所有NMC表格都必须是由官方完成,签名和盖章。

3.The NMC argues that the nursing code guarantees patients' right to privacy, and that Ms Hayward violated it.NMC方面表示护士守则中规定了对病人隐私权的保护,而海沃德女士违反了该条例。

4.You must return all of the apppcation forms within six months of the date on which the pack was issued to you.你必须在包裹显示日期六个月内将所有申请表格寄回NMC,否则。

5.In December, Aldrich hired the inevitable Charles A. Conant for research, pubpc relations, and agitprop for the NMC.12月,奥尔德里奇聘请了不可或缺的查尔斯·A·康奈特为委员会作研究、公关和宣传工作。

6.This means that if after six months you decide that you do want to register with the NMC, you will have to start again.这就意味着如果你在六个月后你决定你确实想在NMC注册,你必须重新开始。

7.Aldrich presented the Jekyll Island draft, with only minor revisions, to the full NMC as the Aldrich Bill in January, 1911.1911年1月,奥尔德里奇把哲基尔岛的草案略加修改,就提交给了国家货币委员会,后世称此为奥尔德里奇法案(6)。

8.What the NMC does not do is stipulate any mandatory requirements for elderly care.NMC没做的是对照顾老人规定出任何的强制性要求。

9.The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) regulates nurses and midwives in the UK.护士和助产士理事会(NMC)规范英国的护士和助产士。

10.Will I be asked to attend the NMC for an interview?我是否将被要求参加NMC的面谈?