


美式发音: [k'tə] 英式发音: [k'tə]


英文单词:商品交易顾问(commodity trading adviser);注册税务师(Certified Tax Agents);血管造影



1.商品交易顾问(commodity trading adviser)所以商品交易顾问CTA)是被CFTC和NFA双重监管,根据法案的要求,必须提供充足的信息给客户。这一称呼原来专指美国 …

2.注册税务师(Certified Tax Agents)一级注册税务师CTA)、税务师事务所所长,持有中级会计师、内部审计师证书,凭借多年实务和培训经验,形成一套独特 …

3.血管造影更多关于心脏血管造影CTA)的医生回答>>做脑血管造影很痛苦吗 全脑血管造影需要多少钱 脑血管造影有什么副作用 脑血 …

4.三醋酸纤维素研究三醋酸纤维素(CTA)和二醋酸纤维紊(CDA)的结晶结构和热学性能 纤维素乙酰化后形成CTA,其晶型发生变化,结晶度降低;而…

5.中国网球协会(Chinese Tennis Association)  由中国网球协会CTA)和北京比格文化传播有限公司(BIG)共同创办的“明日之星”青少年网球发展项目将于2012年在全国共1…

6.战争召唤切换:战争召唤(cta)或带降低抵抗的男巫法杖,或者能开能量盾的女巫杖 铠甲:荣耀锁链(coh) 盾牌:暴风盾(ss) 手套:霜燃(F…


1.Now the CTA is also looking at whether or not those with allergies to pets should be considered to have a disability as well.现在加拿大运输法案也在考虑是否对那些患有宠物过敏症的人最好还是应该按失去能力得到照顾。

2.The CTA and the police appreciate the Angels' efforts and view them as "another set of eyes and ears. "芝加哥交通局和警察们都很对天使们的表现赞赏不已,并且将他们看作是“另一副眼睛和耳朵”。

3.Mr Netherwood says it is often perceived that CTAs are secretive organisations.内瑟伍德表示,CTA往往被外界视为神神秘秘的组织。

4.This woman loves maps so much -- and the CTA -- that she has the rail system map tattooed on top of her foot.这位女士非常喜欢地图和电容式放大器,以至于她把铁路系统图纹在了脚面上。

5.The dual-energy subtraction CTA has better effectiveness when used for non-cooperation patients.对扫描中不配合患者,双能量减影法去骨效果更好。

6.The fourth basic principle of CTA relies on the fact that every test run against the software provides an indication of the quality.CTA的第四个基本原则依赖于这样的事实,每个对软件的测试都提供一个质量指数。

7.The CTA has used its money to defeat almost any reform that might have turned the standards into reality.凭借强大的资金支持,CTA打败了几乎任何可能将标准变为现实的改革努力。

8.Objective To evaluate the double-row helical CT angiography (CTA) imaging techniques in cerebral vessels and its clinical applications.目的:探讨双排螺旋CT脑血管造影成像(CTA)技术及临床应用价值。

9.He says this restriction is one of the reasons why CTA websites have password access only.他表示,英国金融服务管理局的限制,正是CTA网站只能通过密码访问的原因之一。

10.Mike has also worked in various registered advisory capacities, notably as a CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) and as an Investment Advisor.麦克也努力在各登记咨询能力,特别是作为一个争气行动(商品交易顾问),并成为投资顾问。