


英文单词:周大福;传递函数;清洁技术基金(Clean Technology Fund)


1.周大福 莱薏 Neroly 周大福 CTF 百黛菲俪 Pffress ...

2.传递函数 值得提出的是,有时还用对比传递函数CTF)来评价分辨率。所谓对比传递函数是方波空间频率振幅的响应。

3.清洁技术基金(Clean Technology Fund)世行清洁技术基金CTF)的西亚北非地区太阳能发电项目计划包括向约旦、阿尔及利亚、埃及、摩洛哥和突尼斯五国的太阳 …

4.儿童信托基金(Child Trust Fund)如果该帐户内存款的利息一年超过100镑,则可以将多余的存款转为投资一些免税的儿童基金,如儿童信托基金CTF(Child Trust Fu


1.The CTF financing will help cities obtain the buses without having to transfer the additional cost of acquisition to the users.CTF资金将帮助各城市在无需将额外购置成本转嫁给用户的情况下获得公交车。

2.This paper introduces construction technology of spray polyurea elastomer used in Beijing Shooting Range CTF.介绍了奥运射击中心飞碟靶场看台屋面防水耐磨工程采用喷涂聚脲弹性体的施工工艺。

3.Global markets may be punishing CTF today, but the heartland of China looks likely to reward its investors for years to come.如今,全球市场可能会采取严厉措施对付周大福,但中国的心脏地区可能会让其未来几年的投资者赚取更多酬金。

4.CTF is a typical state-owned enterprise which has many similarities to many other state-owned enterprises both internally and externally.最后,论文研究的对象成都木综厂具有典型的国有企业特征,它所具有的内部条件及外部环境与许多国有企业都有着相似之处。

5.Counties & Townships Finance (CTF) has thrown public expenditure responsibilities to get rid of fiscal pressures.摆脱运行压力,县乡财政采取的是甩出公共支出责任的应对策略。

6.CTF will help Turkey address three critical development challenges, says Ulrich Zachau, World Bank Country Director for Turkey.清洁能源基金将帮助土耳其解决三个重要的发展挑战,世界银行的土耳其国家业务局局长UlrichZachau说

7.Without CTF financing, such infrastructure development could be delayed three to five years, according to the CTF Investment Plan for Egypt.根据清洁技术基金的埃及投资计划,如果没有清洁技术基金的资助,这样的基础设施发展就会被推迟三至五年。

8.The CTF supports those countries that are still backing the renewable energy plans they set forth.清洁技术基金支持那些仍然推动其已制定的可再生能源计划的国家。

9.CTF will provide much-needed support to the banks' initiatives in pursuing these efforts, he adds.清洁能源基金将为银行在这些方面进行的工作提供急需的支持,他补充道。

10.Indeed, CTF could even profit by offering global rivals a distribution channel in remote regions.实际上,周大福甚至通过向全球竞争对手提供偏远地区的销售渠道来获得利润。