


英文单词:高压电场(high electric field);高能燃料(high energy fuel)


1.高压电场(high electric field)F.Isobe S Application of high electric field (HEF) on the shelf-life extension of emblic fruit 2006(03) 7.郭玉明.姚智华....

2.高能燃料(high energy fuel) heeling moment 横倾力矩 HEF 高能燃料 HEGF 高能气体压裂 ...


1.A strong and supportive policy environment is needed for the HEF to exercise their active purchasing role fully.充分发挥医疗公平基金的积极购买作用需要强大的政策环境作为支撑。

2.There was no perceived stigma for HEF patients but many of them still had to borrow money to access health care.尽管医疗公平基金患者不会受到歧视,但是他们中很多人仍然必须靠借钱才能看病。

3.HEF are a purchasing mechanism in the Cambodian health-care system.医疗公平基金是柬埔寨医疗体系中的购买机制。

4.Drying with high electric field (HEF) is a new technique.高压电场干燥是一种全新的干燥技术。

5.Receptionist: Oh just go straight to the HEF.接待员:直接去HEF就可以。

6.Journalist: HEF? What does that stand for?记者:HEF?这个是什么意思?

7.Hef tweeted, "When I gave Crystal the ring, she burst into tears. This is the happiest Christmas weekend in memory. "赫夫在推特上说,“当我把戒指拿给克里斯托的时候,她突然哭了起来。这是我记忆中最快乐的一个圣诞节。”

8.Happy New Year 2010, Hef!2010年新年快乐,人本!

9.Synthesis of Direct Black HEF Dyestuff直接黑HEF染料的合成