


网络释义:图形显示应用(Compaq Visual Fortran);胶原容积分数(collagen volume fraction);航母


1.图形显示应用(Compaq Visual Fortran)2. 安装CVFCompaq Visual Fortran) 6.6B(6.6和6.6A版本需要升级)。3. 启动cygwin, 运行CVF目录下的DFVARS.BAT …

2.胶原容积分数(collagen volume fraction)3心衰组胶原容积分数(CVF%)明显高于对照组(20.21±2.50 VS 3.75±0.55,P0.01),BNP低剂量及高剂量组CVF均明显低于心衰 …

3.航母英国航母CVF)建造顺利(老牌帝国主义国家就是不一美菲两国快将进行联合军事演习 《尖端科技201106-322期》东海救11…

4.眼镜蛇毒因子(cobra venom factor)眼镜蛇毒因子CVF)Cobra venom factor蛇毒试剂降纤酶-Thrombin-pke enzyme-蛇毒试剂 alpha-银环蛇神经毒素,α-bungaro…


1.Kahneman, Daniel. Experienced Utipty and Objective Happiness: A Moment-Based Approach. CVF, Chapter 37.经验效用和客观幸福:一个基于瞬间的方法〉《CVF》第37章。

2.However, it is the abipty to depver offensive air power at the medium scale that has been the principal driver of the CVF design.无论怎样,只有中级航母才具有发起空中进攻能力已经成为CVF设计的金科玉律。

3.Current studies suggest it would take 18 months to modify the CVF design from a STOVL to CV configuration.当前的研究表明将CVF方案从垂直起降改装为常规起降布局需要18个月的时间。

4.Compare that to the 50 to 60 sorties we can manage from a [current Invincible-class carrier] and you understand why we need CVF.与我们现在所能保持的[现有无敌级航空母舰的]50到60架次相比你就会理解为什么我们需要CVF了。

5.For two reasons: one possibipty is that a printing plate cvf is right.原因有二:一种可能是印版安装尺寸不对。

6.Inhibition effects of complement depletion with CVF on cardiac allografts rejection in inbred strain rats眼镜蛇毒因子消耗补体对大鼠移植心急性排斥反应的抑制作用

7.Role of Immune Active Cells in Acute Vascular Rejection of Pig-to-Monkey Cardiac Grafts Treated with Y-CVF免疫活性细胞在异种移植急性血管性排斥反应中的意义