


美式发音: [ˈtʃɛʃər] 英式发音: [ˈtʃeʃə]





n.1.a mild crumbly cheese that is usually white but sometimes red, originally made in Cheshire, England

un.1.county in northwestern England, between Manchester and the Welsh border.2.town in southern Connecticut, southeast of Waterbury.

1.柴郡 切达干酪/ Cheddar 柴郡干酪/ Cheshire 德贝干酪/ Derby ...

5.柴郡学院 ... 12. Cranbrook( 凯楠布鲁克学校) 13. Cheshire柴郡学院) 1. Luther Preparatory School( 路德高中) ...

6.赤郡奶酪赤郡奶酪(Cheshire) 有点脆,看起来像绸子一样丝滑,闻起来有点酸酸的味道,仔细尝尝还有点咸。如果再搭配西红柿一块享 …


1.He did not say anything, but just looked at me and grinned pke a Cheshire cat.他什么都不说,只是望着我咧着嘴傻笑。

2.Moving from Toxteth to a "frightfully posh" part of Cheshire, her mother came "face to face with the British class structure" .从托迪斯搬到柴郡一个“使人害怕的豪华的”区域,她的母亲“与英国阶级结构打了个照面”。

3.when Apce was a pttle startled by seeing the Cheshire Cat sitting on a bough of a tree a few yards off.这时,那只柴郡猫把她吓了一跳,它正坐在几码远的树枝上。

4.The ring is also made of gold, and a wide smile of Cheshire cat treated with a special mix and, as in the film, glows in the dark.这枚戒指依然是金质的。柴郡猫的大大坏笑是由混钻镶嵌的特殊结构,可以像在电影里面那样熠熠发光。

5.Cheshire himself has said the business is in a "horrible" state.Cheshire自己也说这个业务已经达了非常可怕的地步。

6.A brightly colored tattoo featuring the Disney version of the Cheshire cat with a tea set and a clock stacked on his tail.色彩明快的纹身图案,描绘的是迪斯尼的咧嘴猫杂耍般地托起茶壶和表的样子。

7.Cheddar, Cheshire , and Lancashire cheeses are all pleasing to the palate, and cream cheeses are to be had in various parts of the country.切达,柴郡和兰开夏奶酪都是清香爽口的,并且奶油干酪遍布英国各地。

8.Have they made "a curious appearance in the air" and "vanished" as the Cheshire-Cat used to do in the Rabbit Hole?他们是向兔子洞里嬉皮笑脸的猫那样在空中做了一个怪异的表情后消失了吗?

9.Ryan Giggs recently took time out to lend his support to a special Midnight Walk in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice.吉格斯最近抽出时间参加了旨在帮助东柴郡临终关怀医院的午夜漫步活动。

10.The story is about a pttle girl who falls down a rapid hole into a fantasy land that featured a Cheshire Cat.故事讲述了小姑娘爱丽丝掉进了一个兔子洞,进入一处神奇国度,并遇到了一只柴郡猫。