


美式发音: ['siv'ip'i] 英式发音: ['si:v'i:p'i:]


英文单词:中心静脉压(central venous pressure);中心静脉压测定(central venousblood pressure);本量利



1.中心静脉压(central venous pressure) cut-off 截止 CVP 本量利分析 cycle time 周转时间 ...

5.Customer Voice PortalCustomer Voice Portal(CVP)实现视频通信功能2008/08/12   特拉维夫,2008年7月29日 - RADVISION?

6.中心静脉压监测通过中心静脉压监测CVP),可以鉴别患者是否有血容量不足抑或心功能不全,也可借以监测血容量的动态变化,防止发生 …


1.This will not happen: mainstream conservatives in the Christian Democratic People's Party (CVP) call it "suicide" to tear up the deal.但是这是不会发生的,瑞士基督教民主人民党中的主流保守派称这种要求为“自杀”,目的是为了撕毁协议。

2.CVP analysis assumes that all variables other than the particular one under consideration remain constant throughout the analysis.CVP分析假设除正考虑的因素以外,其他变量均保持不变。

3.CVP analysis assumes that costs can be accurately divided into fixed costs and variable costs.CVP分析假设成本可以准确地分为固定成本和变动成本。

4.The dissertation explores the influence of service fairness on the Customer Voluntary Performance (CVP).本文就服务公平感对顾客自发行为的影响做了探索。

5.Two types of information are obtained from the JVP: the quality of the wave form and the central venous pressure (CVP).颈静脉搏动(JVP)--颈静脉搏动可提供两类信息:波形特性和中心静脉压。

6.CVP analysis is so pervasive in management accounting that it touches on virtually everything that a manager does.本量利分析在管理会计中的应用如此之广,它实际上涉及经理人员所做的每一件事。

7.Methods Major standardization of priming solution volume load by observation of NIBP and CVP before blood supply to new kidney.方法开放移植肾血流前以患者BP和CVP为标准,预充以胶体溶液为主的容量负荷。

8.The heyday of California water development began in the late 1930s with construction of the colossal Central Valley Project, or CVP.随着规模巨大的中央峡谷工程(CVP)的完工,加州迎来了水利发展的全盛时期。

9.Results AHH can maintain hemodynamic stability during CH in all patients, CVP of group H increased, and they were still in normal range.结果:全部患者手术中血液动力学稳定,H组患者在血液稀释后的三个时点的CVP有所升高,但仍在正常范围之内。

10.Objective To explore the relative factors of influencing CVP mensuration and the nursing.目的探讨影响中心静脉压测定的相关因素和护理干预措施。