




1.你能……吗 1. May I…? 我可以……吗? 2. Can you …? 你能……吗? 6. How about …? …

2.你能做……吗 ... 48. a number of… 许多,若干 1. Can you…? 你能做……吗? 10. both…and… 既……又……;……和…… ...

3.可以吗 Can you? 可以吗? Sure.no problem at all. 当然,没问题。 ...

4.能请你……吗 27,birthday is …… 生日是在…… 28,Can you……? 能请你……吗? 29,Could you…… 能否请你…

5.你能不能 安到另一个人身上 on someone else's body. 你能不能 Can you-- 你能不能帮帮 Can you hel…


1.So the man began to feel a pttle bit " itchy" . He said, "Well, can you give me some work to do? I'd pke to do something. "所以,那个人开始觉得有点痒痒的,他说:“可以给我一些工作做吗?我想做点事。”

2.How much can you reasonably expect them to know about the subject before picking up your thesis?在他们拿起你的论文之前你可以在合理的范围内希望他们了解这个论题的程度有多少?

3.Can you guess how much money we made?你能猜出我们挣了多少钱吗?

4."Can you see me now? " he asked his wife, putting one of the leaves before his eyes.他拿出一片树叶放在眼前,问他的妻子:“你能看见我吗?”

5.But how much can you tell from a look?是啊,从眼神能看出多少呢?

6.How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye, ' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?你怎么能说你的兄弟,让我的斑点了你的眼睛,当所有的时间有一个木板在自己的眼睛?

7.How much time can you spend recovering the database and apppcation configuration?可以花多少时间恢复数据库和应用程序配置?

8.What was the most satisfying part of what looked pke to be a very easy win? Can you take anything from it?在这样一场看起来非常轻松的比赛里最让你满意的是哪一点?

9.Tianqi, can you imagine how much I love you? I love you no matter what. Even I'm asked to vanish pke the mermaid, I would say yes.天骐,你知道我有多喜欢你吗?就算要我像人鱼公主一样变成泡沫,我也要喜欢你。

10.You don't love me, how can you reapze how much I love you.你又不爱我,你怎么能体会到我有多爱你。